I forgot I'm obligated to make an Obama post

Nov 05, 2008 22:23

But first, some largely irrelevant stuff, because we all sure do love our irrelevant stuff.

Well, Halloween turned out to be a complete and total non-event. Dad was figuring on a couple of dozen people or so, judging from the number of kids he's seen getting on & off the school bus here, and I was sure we'd at least get the kids from next door, but no, we saw neither hide nor hair nor doorbell. True, we didn't festoon the place with decorations or anything, but we did have a pumpkin, which was seen and admired by everyone who walked past the house--i.e., nobody.

Oh well. The pumpkin is now smashed and buried under two barrowloads of maple leaves, on top of roughly my own weight in chopped-up blackberry vines. Here's hoping that that all makes decent mulch, so that this time next year I'll have a pumpkin patch. Tomorrow I'll add a load of cat poop, some gopher-mound dirt, and more leaves. Cover with blanket of snow and let simmer for five months. Oh yes, to relieve the tedium of always having deer in our backyard--always the same doe with her fawn--the Powers that Be decided we deserved a visit from an 8-point buck. Man, I just HATE Bellingham!

I'm glad Obama won, of course, though I'd have preferred it the other way around, with him riding a popular-vote landslide to a relatively narrow margin of victory in the electoral college. Then again, maybe it's better this way, proving to the world that he knows how to work the system. I noticed that Biden won his re-election bid for his Senate seat, too--I wonder what happens with that. I'm disappointed in California for banning gay marriage, but I'm still confident it'll all work out in the end--slavery sure did. Dad's already seen one disgruntled curmudgeon, spitting at "these goddam Democrats ruinin' it all for the rest of us," but everyone I know seems to be pleased. I do mind one thing, though: When the story broke that Obama had officially won, the stories all ran pictures of *black* people celebrating, as if race were the only factor here. I mean sure, it's a great leap for equality, but among all the other issues at stake here, ethnicity is like #14 down the list. Oh well.

I don't normally go in for political ads, but this has got to be the best damn one I've seen in . . . maybe ever, so it deserves special mention here, even if you've already seen it (which is very likely): Wassup 2008

And now, we return to your previously scheduled programming of WTF silliness.

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