So many questions, so few answers.
Mom was supposed to be moving out of here over New Year's, but since she does have a point about having been too unstable to look for work during the majority of her time here, Dad & I have decided to grant her an extension--she can stay at least until the end of January, after that her continued occupancy will be contingent on her paying rent, holding a job, and/or getting counseling. Long and awkward story short, what used to be a definite, carved-in-stone date is now vague.
Ryzex doesn't want me, the Co-Op doesn't want me, WaMu (or JPMorganChase, now) doesn't want me, and damn if I can find any other good offers. Guess I'll be flipping burgers pretty soon, and I'm not at all sure I'll be able to make the rent on that. Then again, why the hell haven't I been using this time to write a book?
I met a girl (through OKCupid, actually) a few weeks ago, but she claims not to be interested in dating right now, and while we get along well, she's in no hurry to push for a lot of face-time. I can't really say I want a relationship, but it sure would be a welcome break from the status quo, but then again she's not dropping any hints. I'm not blaming her, of course-she's not the one dangling the (imaginary) carrot, I am. Once again, the future is vague, but what is visible isn't promising.
Most recently, Jalapena hasn't eaten or drunk for about 3 days. (Oddly, those are her only symptoms: Her activity levels are almost completely normal, and she doesn't appear to be in any pain at all.) We took her in this afternoon; the X-rays show a small, roundish object, as dense or denser than bone, lodged in her intestine. We're taking her back tomorrow for another look, and if it hasn't moved, that means it's a complete obstruction, which can really only be removed by surgery--which we can't afford. Again, unforeseeable outcome, with dim prospects.
(sigh) YouTube links. This is the only one I have that's remotely appropriate to my mood.