PSA: GET OFF MAH PANCAKE. (or, Boundaries, and how to enforce them)

Nov 26, 2008 09:01

in general, I'm a creature of boundaries. I like to know mine, I like people to know theirs, I like everything to be in it's place and to dance it's little dance.

This doesn't always happen.

This, in and of itself, is what it is.

things happen, things get fucked up, emotions get involved, people get stupid..blah blah blah.

Guess what? All of that is a Huge set of excuses.

Not to be funny, but as a thinking sentient being, we are allowed to create and enforce boundaries. in fact I'd say for proper mental health, one should enforce tough boundaries so that crazy assed overlap can't happen and ruin your other parts of your life. People aren't segmented, and comparmentalized like that but fuck all, they should be.

If my situation is X, X means certain rights and responsibilities. If my situation changes, due to say a breakup, then those rights and responsibilities are null and void, no matter how much emotion is involved. otherwise the situation change is null and void and just a big-assed dog and pony show.

You aren't fooling anyone, not even yourself, so stop trying.

This strikes close to home due to the fact that I myself am in a situation that I (at one point) made weak attempts to properly repair, and thus it fell apart again (through neglect mostly) and now I'm having to mentally re-enforce a boundary that will be hard for me to do)

So the point is to YOU, and to myself is to just man up and deal with it. Accept that this situation has changed and that boundaries must be created and enforced, or all you'll have is a steaming pile of [shaving cream] and angst to deal with because you're too weak to stop this nonsense from happening.

Shan the wolf says: "Remember Kids, Only you can prevent rampant fucking stupidity."

*the phrase "Get off mah pancake!" lovingly ninja'd from iambliss  *


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