and his name is

Nov 08, 2004 18:03

the ideal boyfriend

Created by lowercaseyou and taken 812 times on bzoink!
. /// his appearance .... // what color is his hair?brown. // what color are his eyes?greenish blue. // how tall is he?about 5'10. // is he thin or muscular?lean. // does he have long or short hair?most likely long. // is he pale or tanned?pale. // what does he like to wear?jeans and a tshirt with a long sleeve underneath. // does he wear make up?nope. // your favorite body part on him would be?his eyes. /// his personality .... // is he quiet and shy or loud and outgoing?shy but once you get to know him he's loud and outgoing. // is he independent or dependent?independent. // is he aggressive or passive aggressive?passive aggressive. // is he distant or affectionate?affectionate. // is he funny or serious?perfect mix. // is he lazy or energetic?energetic. // is he intelligent or dumb?very intelligent. // is he optimistic or pessimistic?optimistic. /// does he .... // does he play an instrument (if so, what)?piano or harmonica. // does he play a sport (if so, what)?basketball and soccer. // does he do anything artisitc (if so, what)?photography. // does he write (if so, what)?songs. // does he do drugs, drink, smoke etc?nope. // does he abuse himself (cut, burn, etc) or is suicidal?nope. // does he always seem to be on the bad side with the law?nope. // does he get along with his parents (and your parents)?my father should be able to get along with him and my mother should just be able to stand him...and hopefully he gets along with his a little bit.. // does he believe in god?agnostic. // does he believe in extra celestial beings?nope. // does he go to school?yes, and will go to college.. // does he work (if so, where)?yes, record store or a sports store.. // does he color in or out of the lines?outside the lines, he's not boxed in.. // does he have many friends?his close group but he's not afraid to meet someone new.. // does he have many friends that are girls?a few.. /// would he .... // would he hold your hand everywhere you go?yes.. // would he cuddle with you every chance he gets?at the right times.. // would he display affection in public places?a little.. // would he pay your bus fare?nope.// would he stick close to you in crowded rooms?yeah. // would he surprise you for no occasion what so ever?only when least expected.. // would he stop whatever he was doing just to see you?nope. // would he randomly tell you he loves you in the most inappropriate sityeah. // would he start arguments with you or stop(prevent) them?no arguments.. // would he play with YOUR hair when he is nervous?nope.. // would he kiss the tip of your nose hinting that he wants a kiss?no. // would he buy you flowers?yes. // ... or would he buy you chocolate?nope. // would he comment on other girls while with you?nope. // ... or would he act like you were the only girl for him?yes. /// what would he do if .... // ... you were sad?give me a big hug and tell me he's always there for me.. // ... you were mad?tickle me and if that didn't make me smile...kiss me on the cheek.. // ... you were to break up with him?act like he doesn't want me but then write me a letter to meet him somewhere special.. // ... you wanted to take a break?bacl off and give me space and hope that i come back.. // ... you were to move away?write me a letter everyday. // ... he forgot your birthday?he wouldn't forget he'd just make me feel like he did and give me a huge surprise.. // ... he accidentally insulted you?kiss me and tell me i am perfect with all those silly imperfections.. /// on a first date he would ...... take you to a movie?maybe... take you dinner?nah... take you to a concert or show?yeah... take you to a comic convention?nah... take you to a game?yeah... or take you to a (?)nice long stroll along the city.... respect you?of course.... value what you have to say?he'd look me in my eyes.... pay for everything?yeah... buy you a gift?nope... walk you to your door?yeah
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