(OOC) - "Real Life" Patient File

Oct 06, 2009 19:20

Name: Sasaki, Cody
Sex: Female to Male Transsexual
Age: 20
D.O.B.: April 15th
Blood Type: O

Height: 6'2"
Weight: 180 lbs. / 81 kg.
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Black

Birthplace: Kansas City, Missouri, U.S.A
Nationality: Asian American

Family History: Father, Dustin Sasaki, Head Scientist of Nanotechnology engineering. Mother, Tiphany Sasaki, a genetics researcher. Patient has three other siblings, oldest sister is Yoko (age 25), while two other sisters, Elizabeth and Zoey, (both aged 21) are identical twins. Patient's mother died in a car accident shortly after birth, and is primarily raised by the father. Outside of family, patient's closest friend is a woman named Zuri.

Medical History: Patient has had relatively good health except for a variety of injuries. Starting at age 10, patient has a long history of physical injuries due to athletic occupation and unruly behavior. Patient badly dislocated right shoulder at age 12, broke left leg and fractured right knee cap at age 13. At age 14, patient sustained damage to the right eye and multiple cuts to the face after a fight at school.

At age 14, patient briefly attended counseling sessions for aggressive anti-social behavior. The counselor noted that the patient had low self-esteem and was possibly going through family abuse. It was also noted that the patient had shown signs of having Gender dysphoria.

At age 17, patient began hormone treatment and Social transition. At age 19, patient underwent Sexual Reassignment Surgery, including Mastectomy (removal of breasts), total Hysterectomy (removal of female reproductive organs) and finally Genital Reassignment (female to male procedure.) It should be noted that the patient nearly bled to death during the final operation. Despite the difficulties during that operation, the patient had a good recovery from his operation.

At age 20, patient sustained various injuries from partaking in MMA tournaments, the worst included multiple breakages in the right arm and a severe concussion. Patient also began participating in the usage of Crack Cocaine and illegal steroids.

Life History: Cody came from a wealthy family of scientists, but it was a dysfunctional one to say the least. Her mother died in a car accident shortly after Cody's birth, and she was raised primarily by her father, Dustin Sasaki, an eccentric man who often placed more importance on his scientific work than his family. Being the sort who focused on results and his reputation, Dustin saw his last daughter as unremarkable and even unnecessary compared to his three other children, particularly Yoko, as she was the favorite and most talented of the four. Treated as just a mundane addition to the family, Cody was left with feelings of severe inferiority throughout her whole childhood and was often neglected and even blamed for her mother's death by her father. However, having been made of tougher stuff than most children, Cody began to believe that she had to gain her own "worth" in life in order to be acceptable, thus finding strength in athleticism to fill that void.

Cody's school life was a very troubled and painful one. Throughout the first years of her schooling, Cody grew to be a particularly rambunctious tomboy, even to the point that she dressed and behaved as a boy. Her behavior was seen as just a "phase" to her father and teachers, while she was accepted by her fellow male schoolmates. Yet that tolerance faded by junior high, and Cody became a target for constant bullying at school while her rivalry with Yoko kept family life far from peaceful. When forced to conform to what her father wanted, Cody only grew more aggressive, getting into fights with fellow students and distancing herself from her family. She became steadily anti-social and self-destructive, pushing down "soft" emotions down deep inside while replacing them with constant aggression and the need to boldly prove herself.

Adding to Cody's troubles, she was more than just a tomboy and often felt that she had been born into the wrong body. When forced to see the school counselor for her anti-social behaviors, her symptoms of Gender dysphoria were noticed, but Cody's therapy was cut short when she eventually opened up about her father's abusive treatment. Infuriated and fearing for his reputation, Cody's father immediately withdrew her from the counseling sessions. Cody's already poor relationship with her father reached an irreparable low then, and her discovery of being a possible transsexual was put on hold for a year.

Cody was a loner who often had tendencies to run away from home. Cody kept very few friends; one in particular was a gym teacher Cody respected named Zuri. Their friendship was a platonic one where Zuri was a source of guidance for Cody. Once she just barely graduated from school, Cody's friendship with Zuri was the only support she had when she came Out to herself as a female-to-male transsexual. With money gathered from after school jobs and scattered health insurance, Cody was able to move out and start therapy towards SRS. Over two difficult years later, Cody emerged as a male from the many trials and tribulations of gender transition. For once in his life, he finally felt like he was in the right body.

But it wasn't without consequences. After the transition, Cody was bluntly disowned by his father. His twin sisters weren't surprised by Cody’s change and had no qualms about it, but their relationship was detached to say the least. Yoko, who Cody grew to hate the most because she was the "best" daughter of them all, distanced herself from him. Despite having already felt unwanted by his father and siblings, the disownment still took a toll on Cody, and from then on he began living on the fringe as a way of escaping the pain and filling in his feelings of worthlessness. He began participating in local MMA tournaments and worked his hardest to be the strongest fighter of them all. It wasn't long before drugs and steroids became another part of his new life as well.

At one point during Cody's time as a MMA fighter, he befriended a woman named Michelle after saving her from nearly getting mugged behind the gym Cody was training in. Michelle felt much affection towards her rescuer, but the stoic wall Cody had built around himself over the years wouldn't let her get close to him. The friendship became a troubled half-way relationship, only to painfully crumble down shortly after. With Michelle gone, Cody took in more drugs and fought even more vigorously to cope.

Two months before Cody was committed to institute care, Cody was taken to the hospital for a major concussion sustained during a particularly vicious MMA match. During his stay there, he finally succumbed to a severe mental breakdown; the recent breakup with Michelle, his estrangement from his family, and the damaging concussion were all cause for his nervous collapse. At this point, his hallucinations of being a robotic clone with super human strength began to emerge, influencing him to attack the hospital staff while expressing an irrational rage towards his eldest sister. Zuri took the violently delusional Cody under her care, but his new and violent persona "Sechs" became too much for her to deal with. Zuri contacted Cody's estranged sisters for help. Elizabeth and Zoey offered support, while Yoko took longer to do the same, but eventually they had Cody sent in to Landel's Institute for treatment.

Working Diagnosis: Cody has major issues with anger and violence while he is under the constant delusion of being an android with super powers. Confused over his identity, he has taken on a new alias by name of "Sechs" and often draws a "6" on his forehead, proclaiming himself as the "Sixth Replica of Alita", namely his oldest sister, Yoko, who he felt favored over for most of his childhood. It should be noted that the patient has taken on this new persona to cope with childhood abuse and chronic inferiority complex (although his choice of the number six still has yet to be understood by therapists.) The patient is very anti-social and has an unhealthy obsession with fighting, weapons and other destructive activities while he is experiencing illegal drug withdrawal and is prone to sudden bouts of violence. Cody is considered to be a very dangerous patient who requires constant surveillance and occasional sedation.

Current Status: Currently, the patient has shown himself to be unwilling to accept treatment for his illness. There are already reports of daily skirmishes with both patients and staff, at one point sedation was required when Cody posed a danger to a nurse. Cody has recently undergone a night of sleep studies, but so far his reaction to the therapy has been very negative. It as been reported that the morning after sleep therapy, Cody was sedated once again for aggressive behaviors. The patient shows no respect to staff and is uncooperative with therapy. He continues to gain various injuries, possibly from self-harm or unreported fights with other patients. Cody’s condition has yet to improve.
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