And in line with this happy discovery right after I dragged myself out of bed, I bring thee drabble-and-anything-shiny-request post!
Since I am too broke this year to send anything out through snail mail, I thought it would be nice to at least give *something*, as my thanks to all of you. :DD So if you're interested, then please leave a comment with the following details:
For drabble requests
Rating: (no higher than PG-13, please? XD)
Prompt: (it'll be easier, as I'm having trouble thinking of prompts lately. >>;;)
For icon request
Subject: (specify name of: actor, character, pairing etc.)
Number of icons: (maximum of 5)
For journal layout request
Subject: (specify name of: actor, character, pairing, etc.)
Color scheme:
Sidebar: with or without
Image: (please include the image URL if you have any specific one in mind)
I cannot promise that I'll be able to finish everything by December 25, but I'll make sure to finish all requests before December ends. ^__^
Thank you and let's enjoy the holiday season! ♥