
Aug 02, 2010 13:33

-Player Information-
Name: Mellie
LJ: mellie
Aim: Pomegranite Kiss
Time zone: GMT -8

-Myth Information-
Myth: Namtar
About your myth: A coddled and sheltered god, Namtar often was kept in the dark corner's of his mother's Underworld suite. She used him as her messenger and emissary, more often for fear than benevolance. He took pride in what she had him do. It was his task and responsibility and he did it well.

He didn't have much experience with the world itself. He dealt mostly with gods and heroes. He was gifted with the power of disease and pestilence, compliment to his mother's powers of death. People tended to react in fear to him, especially his power over 60 demons that he could place in different parts of ones body. They became fearsome diseases.

It was thought that Namtar also meant fate. He was the darker side of destiny. To contradict him was to contradict fate. He got a little bit of a complex from that. Led to believe, perhaps, that he was a greater god than he was.

It was also rumored that he possessed neither hands nor feet, nor could he eat or drink. He was a peculiar god devoted to his mother and enraptured with the diseases he possesed and their effects on humans. He was a good little mommy's errand boy.

Link to information about your myth: Namtar

-Character Information-
Name: Evan Michael Donahue
Gender: Male
Age/Birthday: 33, June 6
Occupation: Declan's Personal Assistant

Personality: Growing up aware has given Evan an interesting outlook on life. The messenger of death grew up struggling with his young self. As a result, he was too precocious and still too ignorant. He's inquisitive like a puppy, but often very intense and doesn't respect personal boundaries. He likes to introduce himself by being two inches away from the other person's face, grinning widely, and going "Hi, my name is Evan, but you can call me Namtar."

He has a twisted sense of humor and is often amused by the little things. Namtar didn't have too much interaction with people, so he didn't know what to expect once he reached the mortal plane for good. He is vastly entertained by the human species. Since they don't recognize his godly name, he prefers to find other ways to terrorize them. Acting like a crazed maniac often does the trick.

He keeps to himself, except for talking to Declan. He still doesn't have a complete grasp on humanity, and is sometimes too whimsical for his own good. It gets him into trouble more often then not. He's had to learn to defend himself a few times from fights.

He usually thinks of himself as Namtar, but sometimes loses himself to being Evan the human. He especially enjoys the fact that he now has hands and feet. They are useful for so many things, he has discovered. He also loves eating and drinking and taking whatever pleasures of the flesh he can. He may miss his mother, but he does find a few positives to being reincarnated and away from her.

History: Namtar wanted to try out this thing called the human world. When approached by Mordred, he kissed his mom on the cheek and signed up to be reincarnated. Of course, he didn't realize he'd have to start out as a baby. It was all downhill from there.

It was maddening for Namtar to be stuck in the body of a child. He couldn't communicate with anyone, couldn't do anything without his parents' help. He spent his formative years trying to get a grasp of his young body while simultaneously being a very ancient god. It wasn't a happy combination and he was a rather moody toddler. He was three before he first spoke English. It was often thought of as baby babblings when he did speak in ancient Sumerian.

Despite his frequent tantrums, Evan spent a relatively quiet childhood in the home of his parents who tried their best to love him for who he was. It was a difficult road when he was slow to return the love, never once referring to his mother as anything but her first name. He was an only child and was given all they could afford to lavish onto him. If he were anyone but Namtar, he probably would have been a happy little thing. As it was he was always searching for others, trying to figure out how to overcome his limitations as a child and start on the plans Mordred had described to him.

His parents wrote him off as "creative," while the school labeled him a problem. He was forced to see the counselor at least once a week for "behavior issues," but it rarely led to anything productive. Evan continued to do as he pleased. His parents stressed about his future, but they did the best they could.

Evan tried to leave town once when he was ten, but found himself quickly back at his parents' house. After a few more unsuccessful attempts he gave up and realized he was going to have to follow certain rules of human society if he had any hope of finding others. He didn't settle down, per say, but he tried to not garner too much attention. He attended all his classes, even if he slept through most or disrupted the classroom. They mostly bored him since he possessed some of the knowledge already.

Evan had never really been sick in his life. However, people around him did tend to have a higher probability of getting sick. There was even a day when all his classmates were gone, but him. A wave of chicken pox had spread like wild fire. Of course, he couldn't be allowed to go home and had to sit and color. So he drew pictures of all his classmates. With chicken pox.

When the time came for college, he decided to just go along with it since he didn't have any other real options. Hopefully it would get him out in the world and figuring out where Mordred was. He decided to take business classes, and got a Major in Business Administration and a minor in Classical Philosophy. He wasn't really sure why he got the minor, but it was something to do and amused him nonetheless. Seeing people fight over silly little theories was a joy, really. It never got old listening to the people with their heads up their asses discuss the outlandish principles. In the end, he never really graduated. He'd show up for lectures, but wouldn't take the tests. He wasn't even registered as a student after his second semester.

He bounced between odd jobs here and there once his parents learned about him not actually being in class. They allowed him to live at home if he held some sort of job. He didn't mind working, it was something to do and introduced him to a fair number of people. He just was never quite content at any of them; and there were too many complaints of people finding him "creepy." Finally, perhaps by a stroke of serendipity, he found himself at the company Declan worked at. It was instant recognition and he could hardly contain his excitement.

He's been living in his own little apartment for some time. It's in the seedier parts of LA, but it's cheap. And most people know to avoid him. He wasn't necessarily dangerous, but creepy and crazy was all people needed to know to give him a wide berth.

Aware/Unaware: Aware, since birth
Alignment: For power, and well under Declan's thumb
Powers: He can't control it, but people around him tend to get sick more frequently. He doesn't get sick himself, either. Also. Don't sleep with him. You're guaranteed to get an STI.

PB: Misha Collins
Physical Description: Personal hygiene isn't at the top of Evan's list. He only bathes as often as he does because Declan makes him. He goes two, maybe three days without shaving. And usually he manages to nick himself with the razor. His hair is usually in disarray, often sticking up on one side or the other.

He has a few nice suits and business wear that Declan had someone purchase for him. Before meeting Declan, Evan would wear ill-fitting garments. Now, he tries to dress a little like the other man, although never succeeding.

Since becoming friends with Chris, he tends to sport bruises here and there. If he's had a long night, he may still be wearing sweat and blood stained clothing. He doesn't care much for personal appearance beyond what he knows Declan expects of him.

His favorite outfit is whatever suit he wears to work with his trench coat thrown over it. His tie is usually loose and falling off. The trench coat is a little big, but he thinks it makes him ~*mysterious*~ so he wears it even in the heat of summer.

Journal Sample: *recorded* Hello? He~llo? Does this thing work? I don't understand how a little box can be a personal assistant. I am Declan's personal assistant and I am certainly not a box. This is ridiculous. I know someone is there. Hello? Answer me! *beeeeep*