valentine's day rant

Feb 14, 2006 22:18

can i just say that i hate the mentality that valentine's day is only about one relationship, one that is romantic in nature and only with one person? it becomes another anniversary for couples (do you really need ANOTHER anniversary) and an excuse for singles to to vent supressed anger that they feel about being single - note: this is not single ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

wildaboothockey February 15 2006, 04:49:25 UTC
I agree with everything. V-Day is a very family thing for me, we all send each other cards and we all called each other today, even Meryl who's in another country! It was just as exciting to get a sucker from my boss as it was to get flowers from Danny.

Next year, we should have a valentine's making party. My mom and I always used to make cards out of construction paper, stickers, and doilies, and it was tons of fun.

feel better about your paper. I would come give you a hug, but I doubt you want to sneeze all over you. how not happy.


funkyhamster February 15 2006, 23:29:54 UTC
i def. agree about 'no rule.' but when a single gal is asked SEVERAL TIMES in one day if she is single, with the question accompanied with a slight pause and significant smile, said single gal if stressed and bummed falls prey to instinct of YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRIHATEVALENTINESDAYAAAAAAAAAAAAA. it happens. feb. 15 arrives.


sixwaysfromweds February 16 2006, 00:36:24 UTC
yes i agree, that is bad and sucky.


terriblyangsty February 16 2006, 13:51:01 UTC
THAAAAAAAAANK YOU. girls whining about being single on valentine's day make me ENRAGED cos, you know, just cos you don't have a boyfriend doesn't mean you don't have people that love you.

people think i'm weird for giving valentines to my friends. WHATEVA


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