Title: getting used to getting by Fandom: Super Junior Rating: PG13 Pairing: Hankyung/Heechul, Siwon/Hankyung Summary: AU, Slice-of-life, Hankyung breaks up builds up and goes on.
Ohhhhh, this just...it... *wibbles* I really really liked the slice-of-life aspect of the whole thing; it's quite refreshing to read something so realistic, because relationships really don't work out all the time. “Siwonnie,” he says affectionately, and tries to hug the potted plant to Siwon’s left. *chuckles* Oh, Sungmin~ But it just broke my heart to see that while Hankyung was at least not unhappy with Siwon, Heechul appears to have just become lethargic and sad :( *hugs hime tightly* I don't want Heenim to be lonely >.< Though while I'm sad that Siwon left, at least it means that Hanchul will probably get together again, if that wonderful hopeful ending is any indication. Loved this very much! &hearts &hearts &hearts
ohhh this... love this ... it's life, but such a lovely piece... *huggles Geng* huggles SiHan together... or even HanChul (slight bias to SiHan) ... but what the heart wants, the heart wants...
Comments 26
Oh actually I was planning to write something where sungmin and heechul got together while this was going on, kind of like a parallel thing.
And its meant to be a happy ending :)))))
I'm glad you liked it!
*huggles Geng* huggles SiHan together... or even HanChul (slight bias to SiHan) ... but what the heart wants, the heart wants...
ooops capslock on accident and I"m too lazy to fix it.
your shihan icon is so cute ;_;
but still ;___;
( ... )
“I’m tired of being not unhappy,”
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