This challenge, you don't necessarily have to use the pictures provided. For the α-challenge you'll get a theme and you may use your own pictures. The β-challenge centers around a certain iconing technique.
The theme of the α-challenge is "Old School Sarah", meaning that your icons must be of Sarah Jane in Classic Who, you may use whichever picture you like. If you find it difficult to find images, I can highly recommend
sjs_daily_pic, there are a lot of
Old Who pictures there. Here are also some nice black and white HQ pictures which you could use if you like:
04, courtesy of
The Celebrity City.
Icons for the β-challenge have to be text only icons (so no pictures may be used in these icons apart from maybe textures or brushes) and the text must be a quote from The Sarah Jane Adventures.
You may enter up to 2 icons in each section.
The last day you can enter your icons will be Sunday, June 15th.