Title: Hershey’s Chocolate - YeWook version
Pairing: YeWook
Rating: Pg-13+ …? -____-“
Summary: Ryeowook + Hershey’s Chocolate + Yesung = …?
**Sequel to KyuMin’s “Hershey’s Chocolate” (Found here -> (
Hershey's Chocolates )
Hershey's Chocolate - YeWook version )
Comments 13
Then, Ryeowook giggles lightly and gets off of his hyung, eyes twinkling with innocence and anything and everything opposite of… what just happened.
Oh poor confused Yesungie, hehee. And not so innocent Wookie....<3
I'm so glad you wrote this!
the uke's bein all horny lately eh?
not that the seme's mind though~ XDD
i love it :D
ryeowook is such a tease heeheehee
y would yesung ever think of ryeowook as pure and innocent? XD he should know best
yewook = love ♥
I knew, I so knew that Ryeowook was no where near to innocent.
Ever since that Insomnia dance number. Wookie is such a tease^^
But can Wookie be a better tease than Minnie. Is that even possible?
I definately love your steamy-fluff fics<3
And Yewook made me love it more<3
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