Okay, so it's been nearly a year since
sjfanfic10 was created. We've gotten some great fic out of it. To encourage more fic, I'm now offering prompt amnesty to all those involved.
Everyone who signed up is welcome to reply to this message with a simple list of the prompts they have no idea what to do with or are just not interested in anymore. All other participants, as well as people who weren't involved the first time around, are subsequently welcome to claim prompts they're interested in. Basically, it's a get out of jail free card and a list of new challenges to ogle, all at the same time. Because I realize that the fandom has changed a bit in the last year, I think it's even acceptable to take this time to dump your entire list, if it's what you feel like. At least that way, your prompts have a vague chance of getting picked up by some interested party.
For anyone still interested (and I realize that there are less and less of us these days), I am sort of vaguely considering a much, MUCH smaller second round -- say, three prompts each. Which sort of makes the comm name silly, but oh well. For anyone who's interested, there will probably be a poll here and in my journal at some point this week. Maybe.
So, have at it! I know you want to.