Well fairly obvious, once you do J.R.R. Tolkien, J. K Rowling, C.S Lewis, U.K LeGuin and the happily public domain Mallory & Homer Susan Cooper is the next cab off the rank. Wonder when they'll get around to Trudi C?
Not a Susan Cooper fan or just wooried about what an adaption would be like? There's supposed to an adaption of the Earthsea Trilogy floating about, not seen it anywhere though. The Edith Piaf movie on rtelease is very good though, saw it twice in the Aeroplane on our trip.
Good grief. That's bloody awful. I don't think I'll be seeing that. Who on earth thought that you could make Will *American*? I had thought that given there had been good attempts at so many children's fantasy's recently that the genre was safe from such awfulness. Obviously I was wrong.
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