Title: Time For Goodbye (Chapter 7/?)
Author: Lainny
Pairing: Kyumin, HaeHyuk
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Angst, Romance
Disclaimer: I do not own Super Junior (but I wish i did), I do own the story
Summery: Sungmin and Donghae had a hard time after there parents past away... Kyuhyun came into Sungmin's life and made everything easier but Sungmin suddenly
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Comments 13
fishy really can't live without his monkey and vice versa....
kyu and sungmin got together at last.........
poor siwon......but its his own fault for losing his chance with minnie.....now its for kyu to be with minnie....
but good thing he did it don't you think hehe
kyumin can be together that way^^
Kyuhyun & Sungmin are together~ &Min is so happy! =3
In the end Eunhae is still in good terms`~
Hope the plan will work, or else, Hae just has to move with his Monkey to Japan~ <33 Then Kyu & Minnie can also live together~ ^^
Waaah, I'm already thiking so far ahead xD
and yes your thinking so far ahead v.v
just don't be too dissapointed in whats coming next
and sute thing about the poster if you need help just let me know^^
Hyukkie didn't send Hae away, & was going to discuss with him and Siwon to convince his mom to trust Siwon, so that he wouldn't have to go to Japan~
& of course, the biggest reason he doesn't want to go is 'cuz of Hae xD
Sorry *blush* I won't do it again~ & don't worry I won't be dissapointed~ As long as KyuMin will be together in the end~~ [!!]
Is there drama coming up next?? Since I so love that xD
nice one! ;p
minnie is sick, now i'm sure...but is it serious?
i was glad hae decided to fight for his hyukkie...now all they need is to make siwon shine!!!
i'm really worried for minnie!!!
thanks for updating
do you think hyukkie forgave hyukkie? hehe
you are such a teaser!!! <3
i think he is just going to make him pay in a sweet way!!!
I'm glad you found me and sure we can be friends :D
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