Challenge 4: RESULTS!

Sep 08, 2012 22:42

The results from Challenge 4 are in!

There is one first place winner which earned 2 extra points for their team and a total of 3 second place winners that each earned an extra point for their team.

First place Winner
domofo Entry #6
Misfits AU. Kyuhyun/Yesung. R.

"God," moaned Sungmin. "God, I'm dead - guys, I'm dead - "

"Shut up, Sungmin, you can deal with it!" shouted Ryeowook. "We're trying to kill Heechul first!"

"OPEN UP!" A deep voice growled from the other side of the door and nearly blasted the glass apart. Kyuhyun screamed.

"Quick, why don't you guys do something?" he yelled.

"They can't because we have lame powers," said Sungmin, moaning from the ground. Parts of his brain were leaking out. "What's the use of being immortal? And people get horny when they touch you? I get horny from just looking at you."

Kyuhyun shot him a dirty look.

"The only useful powers are those two's," said Sungmin, gesturing feebly to Siwon and Jongwoon. Siwon was holding a fire extinguisher before the doorway, while Jongwoon was backed up - like he didn't know if he could be useful or not. "But Siwon has to get emotional before he can use his. And we all know that Jongwoon's too much of a pussy to do anything."

"I'm not a pussy!" Jongwoon protested with as much dignity as he could - but then their probation worker pounded on the door again and they all jumped and turned back to their task at hand.

Kyuhyun got beside Jongwoon and Siwon, a chair in his hand. Even if they couldn't kill their crazed probation worker, he'd die trying.


"That went better than it could've."

They were walking back home, an hour later. Sungmin was staying at Ryeowook's house - ever since he'd gotten kicked out by his mom, Ryeowook had offered him a space in his apartment. And Siwon's house was in the opposite direction, so it was only Kyuhyun and Jongwoon.

Jongwoon looked at Kyuhyun nervously. "Yeah," he said, not quite meeting his eyes and turning back away.

"We could've died." Kyuhyun nonchalantly lit a cigarette and stuck it in his mouth. "Although, I guess, if you were alone, you could probably get away. Being able to turn invisible and all."

"Uh," said Jongwoon, staring at the ground. He was standing a considerable ways off, and Kyuhyun put an arm around his shoulder. His sleeve was warm against Jongwoon's neck. Jongwoon's head jolted up.

"Don't worry, our clothes are separating us. I'll make sure we don't touch," said Kyuhyun with a grin. "It wouldn't be good if I got you horny all of a sudden. You wouldn't want to get it up for me, would you?"

"Uh," Jongwoon said again. Looking Kyuhyun up and down.

Kyuhyun released him and sighed. Even if Jongwoon wanted to, there was nothing Kyuhyun could do about it.


Occasionally Kyuhyun wondered if it was possible for him to get horny for himself.

He knew, of course, that it was impossible. He jerked off every day - well, he touched himself every day, too.

He wished he could fall in love.

He remembered the look in Jongwoon's eyes this afternoon. All big and wide and a little bit shocked, that Kyuhyun was talking to him. Kyuhyun smiled. Jongwoon was like that - Kyuhyun thought that there was something mysterious about him, even if Sungmin always teased Jongwoon for being a bit weird. Kyuhyun liked it though, that Jongwoon kept to himself. It made him sexier.

He tugged his cock out of his pants - masturbating was difficult with his ASBO outfit on, and he didn't know how Sungmin managed to do it every day, especially with one hand busy with the magazines of naked girls. Then again, Sungmin would probably masturbate every waking moment if he could. Kyuhyun sometimes wondered if Ryeowook made him pay with sexual favors.

No - no, don't think about that, he was thinking about Jongwoon. Jongwoon wasn't like the naked girls Sungmin liked to look at; he was always just so hard to read. Kyuhyun wondered what Jongwoon was like under his orange ASBO jumpsuit - he wondered what Jongwoon would be like, in bed.

He arched his back, imagining it. Imagining Jongwoon's hard cock, thrusting into him. Jongwoon whispering sweet things in his ear, Kyuhyun gasping along his skin. Jongwoon would take him slow, would make sure he loved every minute of it - and Kyuhyun would, every fucking second. He tugged on his cock with one hand, felt around his backside with the other, imagining it was Jongwoon. Imagining everything was Jongwoon. He couldn't - Kyuhyun could get anyone, he knew, even without his power.

But, in this moment, he wanted Jongwoon.

He came and buried his face a little, in his pillow. Tears leaked out of the corners of his eyes.

He burned to touch Jongwoon. To kiss him, someone, anyone, so badly.

But he knew it couldn't happen.

Second Place Winners
junjou_robotica Entry #1
death or exile
Batman AU (The Dark Knight Rises, for specificity)
Zhou Mi/Sungmin
warnings: character death, depression.

Citizens of Gotham; take control of your city. Those had been Bane's orders.

He'd taken the city, driven the police force underground, and the Batman had disappeared just as quickly as he'd returned. Zhou Mi had known it was too good to be true -- the symbol of hope for so many people had been a disappointment. Zhou Mi had never believed that he'd been the one to kill Harvey Dent, but if the man behind that mask didn't even have the gall to stick around when the going got really tough?

Zhou Mi saw no point in believing in him.

With the city in chaos, there'd been nothing for him; Zhou Mi was always starving, along with everyone else he knew, and there was nothing outside for them. Just vigilantes and violence, and that had no appeal to him. He'd felt hopeless, and lost -- constantly terrified for not only his life, but the life of the boy who was for all intents and purposes his brother; Henry.

Henry, who'd lost someone to one of Bane's men -- his fiancé, Amber, whom everyone had loved. As a police officer, she was a prime target for Bane's twisted 'justice', and she'd been sentenced by Crane in city hall. Death...or exile.

She'd chosen death, and Henry had broken.

Zhou Mi could do nothing but watch, and try to get enough food into Henry so that he wouldn't starve to death. It wasn't easy, when he could barely feed himself. It'd been a dark few months, and Zhou Mi could feel it weighing on his shoulders at every moment. It didn't help, that he was lonely. It didn't help that he'd taken to frequenting seedy strip joints just for the buzz of getting off with some pretty thing.

It didn't help that there was no hope.

His latest pretty thing had been all honey thighs and full pout, inviting eyes with an atittude to match. Blond, and Korean. Zhou Mi would have asked his name, but he'd introduced himself with a smirk. Sungmin. Zhou Mi had almost wanted to take his time with him, but Sungmin didn't seem to care, grinding down on Zhou Mi's thigh with his head thrown back within five minutes, whispering into his ear that he was hot and grabbing Zhou Mi's hand to place against his cock through the ridiculously short shorts he wore for dancing. Zhou Mi had felt guilt for half a second before he'd thrown caution to the wind, and reasoned with himself that they were all waiting for certain death. Sin beckoned, and fucking this pretty dancer in front of him would be pleasure amidst a sea of endless pain. He wanted it.

So, he'd taken it.

Zhou Mi had fucked Sungmin against the wall, Sungmin holding himself up with legs around Zhou Mi's waist as they got Zhou Mi's jeans off and underwear down. Not even bothering to prepare Sungmin before entering him in one thrust -- but Sungmin didn't seem to care, either way. Zhou Mi was there for pain, and forgetting -- and it seemed Sungmin was too; the job in the club being some kind of sick insurance for the guarantee of it. It lasted all of ten minutes, Sungmin pushing Zhou Mi away when he was close to losing it, falling to his knees to get his mouth around Zhou Mi's cock, pulling back at the last moment so that Zhou Mi had come all over his face.

He was still warm from the exertion when he'd left the club, the city's curse weighing heavily on his shoulders yet again despite all the dignity he'd lost. Zhou Mi knew if he were given the choice of death or exile that he'd pick death, because there was no saving him now.

Bane had told them to take the city, but Gotham had taken everything he was.

rokeby Entry #3
Crowded Rooms
Harry Potter-verse.
Warnings: Mentions of underage drinking.

Hyukjae excused himself to the bathroom, leaving Madam Hooch as she launched into a deep explanation on why the Transylvanian Tackle was the best Quidditch tactic ever invented. She had droned on about the topic for at least fifteen minutes, and while Hyukjae loved Quidditch - he was the captain of the Hufflepuff team after all - discussing tactics with a tipsy teacher (the punch was spiked) who also were the referee boarded to illegal in Hyukjae's mind. If it reached professor Snape, he'd be burying his own grave by next Tuesday.

The Christmas Ball was dying out, the clock had passed 02:30 am, and the Great Hall was nearly empty, save for Madam Hooch who was talking to a gargoyle, and Youngwoon, a rowdy seventh year from Hyukjae's house, trying to feel up a very flustered Jungsu, a seventh year from Ravenclaw, not to mention Head Boy. Hyukjae arched an eyebrow as he passed them, wondering just how much trouble Youngwoon would be in the following day.

Not that Hyukjae cared. He would, though, if Youngwoon's behavior caused professor Snape to give him detention for “indecent behavior” and ban him from all after school activities. Youngwoon was, after all, keeper on Hyukjae's team.

Hyukjae stepped out of the Great Hall and sought out the closest bathroom, only to find that the line was never ending. Apparently, someone named Jongwoon had been tricked into eating a Puking Pastille and had started projectile vomiting while making out with his boyfriend, poor boy had been knocked out cold.

The next bathrooms Hyukjae tried were also full, horny males filling the male part, while crying females were filling the other one (yes, he had tried the female toilets as well). Luckily for Hyukjae, there was one bathroom he knew was empty, or close to empty anyways; the prefect bathrooms. Hyukjae wasn't a prefect, but being a captain gave him certain privileges.

“Water chestnuts,” Hyukjae told the statue of Boris the Bewildered, watching lazily as the statue nodded, allowing him to walk through the door on his left. Hyukjae sighed in relief when he discovered that the bathroom was empty, no sign of any student, or Moaning Myrtle. Quickly he finished his business, pulling up his pants when the sound of the door opening and closing, followed by uneven steps. Curiously, Hyukjae walked out of the booth, peeking into the room with the pool. Hyukjae sighed, lips curling into a tiny smile.

“Hyukjae-ah!” It was Donghae (sixth year, like Hyukjae, Gryffindor) wearing less clothes now than he had been when Hyukjae last saw him, a couple of hours ago, not that Hyukjae minded. Dressed only in a white shirt, sleeves pushed up to his elbows, and a pair of black pants, Donghae reminded Hyukjae more of a muggle than a wizard. Of course, if it hadn't been for Donghae's wand in his hand, spewing out light and the Marauder's Map in the other. Donghae grinned widely at him.

“Hey,” Hyukjae greeted, eyes drinking in the patch of skin and collarbones presented to him through the few unbuttoned buttons in Donghae's shirt. A sharp scent filled Hyukjae's nostrils.

“You're drunk,”

“I'm horny,” Donghae countered, pouting. Yes. Donghae was definitely drunk, Hyukjae thought, watching bemusedly as Donghae bit his bottom lip, looking at Hyukjae with dark eyes, trying, and failing to seduce him.

“You look like a little puppy,” Hyukjae snickered, flicking Donghae's forehead with his fingers.

Donghae's wand and the Marauder's Map hit the marbled floor with a clang as Donghae pounced on Hyukjae, surprising him. Hyukjae hit the wall with a thud, head knocking against the hard, tiled wall. Hyukjae growled low in his throat, but bit the anger back as he discovered Donghae on his knees, hands expertly working on the buttons and zipper of his pants.

Hyukjae wasn't even hard, not that Donghae seemed to mind, if the way he sucked at his soft cock was any indication. He felt himself grow rapidly hard in Donghae's wet mouth, moan echoing in the room when Donghae's tongue swirled around the sensitive head of his cock, dipping into the slit, slurping up the precome that was trickling out. Hyukjae fisted Donghae's soft, brown hair in one of his hands, forcing Donghae to look at him.

“Do a good job and I'll fuck you,”

Donghae beamed up at him, mouth stretched wide, nodding as he grabbed Hyukjae's hips, quickening the pace.

static_abyss Entry #4
title: tonight i'm fucking you
fandom: queer as folk
pairing: kibum/donghae

The music is loud, a fast beat to match with the way everyone is moving, hard bodies of men brushing against Kibum as he dances. The guy in front of Kibum is tall, shirtless, a good fuck for the night, but Kibum's been to the back of the club, had his cock sucked by a better looking man. He's done for the night, especially because he knows Sungmin's waiting outside to drive Kibum home.

"I have to go," Kibum tells the man in front of him, his tongue brushing against the man's earlobe.

He can feel hands on his hips, fingers dipping past the waistband of his jeans. Kibum smirks, pulls away and heads for the door. He can feel eyes on him even when he's outside tripping his way over to Sungmin.

"Are you done yet?" Sungmin asks.

Zhou Mi is standing next to Sungmin, long legs wrapped in leather and Kibum would be lying if he said he'd never entertained the thought of fucking Zhou Mi.

"Can we go home," Sungmin asks leaning into Zhou Mi. "I have work tomorrow."

"Sure, whatever," Kibum shrugs digging out a cigarette from his pocket.

He's lighting it when he sees the guy across the street. The kid's about ten years younger than Kibum, messy brown hair on his head to go with his big brown eyes. He looks over as if he can feel Kibum staring and then he's smiling; a smile on his face that's trying to be seductive but comes off as too friendly. He's young, tight jeans emphasizing the muscles on his legs. Kibum wants to bend him over the back of his car and fuck him until that innocence is gone from the kid's eyes.

"Kibum," Sungmin says again. "Let's go."

"Yeah," Kibum nods, but he's got his eyes on the kid. They never break eye contact as the kid makes his way across the street, eyes raking over Kibum's body. The cigarette smoke in Kibum's mouth feels heavy, like come on his tongue. The kid's eyes make it feel like that.

Kibum moves, steps easy, until he's right in the kid's space, his hands on the belt loops of the kid's jeans.

"Hey," Kibum says, mouth right there. "What's your name?"

"Donghae. Yours?"

Donghae has a nice smile, a nicer body from what Kibum's hands feel.

"Hi Donghae," Kibum whispers pressing close. "I'm Kibum. Want to come to my place?"

"You must be fucking kidding me," Sungmin calls from somewhere over Kibum's shoulder.

Donghae grins, moves closer. There's confidence in the arms that wrap around Kibum's neck, fingers sliding into Kibum's hair.

"You're hot," Donghae says.

"Thanks," Kibum grins. "I know."

He turns to Sungmin who's rolling his eyes at Kibum and Donghae. Kibum grins, one arm around Donghae. "Drive me home?"

Sungmin says something, but by then Kibum's got his tongue in Donghae's mouth and he's done paying attention. Zhou Mi gets into his own car and Kibum waves before he gets into the backseat of his Lexus. Donghae gets in the back with him and Kibum's on him in a second. He kisses Donghae hard, his hands digging into Donghae's hair.

"You must be fucking kidding me," Sungmin complains.

Donghae grins, his eyes dark as they rake over Kibum's face. His hands work open Kibum's pants, fast and efficient.

Donghae has nice eyes, Kibum thinks. Good to look at when fucking.

"Suck," Kibum says, eyes never moving as he stares Donghae down.

Donghae grins easy, sexy. He works Kibum's cock like a pro, might have chocked on it a bit, but he makes up for it with the way his tongue moves. Kibum lays there, his arms spread across the backseats, his head thrown back. He's fucked all kinds of men; big men, men with small cocks and nice asses. He's gotten sucked off by men better than Donghae, but there's something about the way Donghae sucks Kibum's cock, as though this is all he wants. Not eager, but content, in a simple way.

All of it makes Kibum harder.

"Hey," he rasps out dragging Donghae up by his hair. "I'm going to take you home and fuck you."

Donghae grins. "Yeah?"

Kibum nods, "yeah."

Team points for this round are as follow:

teameunhae earned 10 points this round which brings their total to 53 points.

teamkangwook earned 13.5 points this round which brings their total to 52.5 points.

Congratulations to all the winners! Team Vice cleaned up this round. ^^

round 4: week 2, challenge 4, results

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