May 13, 2011 03:20
- RT @deadmau5: By the rainbow coming out of his ass, we can see where he's been... but where the fuck is nyan cat actually going?
- I've been wondering that myself. Where is that cat going anyway?
- Just listened to "The Edge of Glory" great song *skunk dances*
- No 3D is not the future of cinema, video gaming, or TV of any kind. It is nothing more than
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May 12, 2011 03:17
- Why can't I get Fluttershy's deep Barry White voice out of my head?
- I downloaded Edge of Glory but forgot to put it on my iPod *head desk*
- For some strange reason I think I am starting to develop an interest in NASCAR.
- My co-worker decided to bike into work today, but left his ID at home. So he asked if I could drive him back to pick it up.
- I don'
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May 11, 2011 03:20
- RT @RealKidPoker: "An event causes thought, thought evokes feeling. How you perceive an event determines how you'll feel, not the event ...
- RT @ifursuit: I always have this fear that I am going to drop the toliet paper spool in the toliet when I'm changing the roll.
- I've come to find with being on twitter, avoiding spoilers from wrestling
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May 10, 2011 03:16
- RT @SilverAutomatic: I should be allowed to call "Father's Day" "Mother Fucker's Day". Look at me like that all you want, but you know i ...
- @ BlaiddWolfe I know exactly what you're talking about. I feel the same way sometimes.
- Only have one free oil change left after the one I get today, at least my warranty is good for another three years.
- I
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May 09, 2011 03:10
- It is nice to not have to worry about hosting the family at our house for once.
- Ray recorded the "Monster Ball" concert last night on the DVR :)
- I created a private poker club to play online with friends and family using @ PokerStars #HomeGames. Want to join?
- Sorry about the spam sounding tweet. Just figured if any of you were
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May 08, 2011 03:09
- @ KinielCat How would you do that? Develop split personality disorder?
- RT @BlaiddWolfe: There seem to be less and less "furry haters" over time. This is a good thing.
- Watching Smackdown from last night. I do like Randy Orton's new beard.
- So there's now a "furry facebook" Great, I'll use it as often as I use regular facebook.
- Going to play some more
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May 07, 2011 03:09
- Found a place to get my playoff beard shaved. It's such a shame to see it go. I will take one last picture of it before it goes though.
- @ Mangusu I always wondered what the plural of Mongoose is.
- This video is so cute! And safe for work too!
- #FollowFriday honors this week go to two of the co-hosts of the smart wrestling
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May 06, 2011 03:10
- While it is unfortunate the Capitals didn't make it to the finals this season, it does give them more playoff experience at least.
- So now I will lend my support to @ tealfox and the San Jose Sharks on their run toward Lord Stanley's Cup.
- Now I just need to find a place to go to shave my playoff beard.
- @ ScooterSquirrel I voted for ya! Go Scooter!
- @
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May 04, 2011 03:09
- RT @TheDailyShow: Tonight: #Osama killed in a Pakistan mansion. Was it Col. Mustard in the study with the revolver? Because we’d like to ...
- I don't know if I'm a good dancer. But I find that when a song with a good beat comes on I find myself dancing about.
- Mini golf furmeet with the central Maryland furs is later this month. I loves me some
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May 02, 2011 03:11
- So it's the first of May. Are we gonna get a bunch of flowers because of last month's rain?
- Got some cleaning to do. Also mad that an auto save for New Vegas got corrupted when the loading screen froze. Need to step away for a bit.
- Gonna watch some Law & Order UK and then some classic Doctor Who. Might need to mow the grass, depends on when the
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