Title: Insensitive (Drabble)
Pairing: Kyuhyun, Ryeowook (girl), Sungmin (girl)
Genre: Angst
Disclaimer: This is not true, just a product of my imagination.
Summary: Kyuhyun is insensitive and Ryeowook can't take it anymore.
A/N: I'm sad right now and here's the result, i'm just using my cellphone to do this, Sorry for the mistakes.
"Again Kyu? Why are
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Comments 8
i'm understand somestime we needs to relieve feelings of sadness.. thank for sharing, mary..
kyu such a jerk. some people just dont understand that being with the opposite sex when you have a girlfriend or boyfriend.... sometimes the boy/girl friend doesn't feel comfortable. unless they are all good friends, otherwise, it's not good.... but sometimes, that boy/girl friend over thinks too much.... maybe kyuhyun and sungmin are just good friends.
well, its hard to judge here. i wish this was longer.
please feel better...
Thank you for reading and I'm already better, I think? :) <3
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