Its been so long..since i've written in this thing....i guess im not really a writter type of person.....i like talking better....i get into more details when i talk.....but yea.....Life is okay....havent found a job you never called me back to tell me what Dillan yea.... i forgot to update about the concert
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So yea..This past weekend i was in a beauty pagent...for National American MIss was alot of fun..met alot of people, and it just felt like prom again..when i did my make all dressed...and we performed a dance, during rehearsal for the dance there was this part in the dance that the girls from one side run to the
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Everything was going good so far this week...till this morning..when the counselor from CSUCI called me ...and Told me that i dont have the right art classes that a csu requires.I had already talked to him before and he said all i had to do was bring up the D i had in english (freshman year) which i did...THen i got my Acceptence letter , but they
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this week has been pretty good so far...Its already Wednesday...its going by sooo fast..On Monday Jason had a party...i had fun...we all just chilled and went in the hot tub and swimming...I came home around 4:30 kinda sucked though cause i had skooL at 7:50 so i only got like an hour and a half of sleep...but yea...yesterday i stayed home
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Puerto Vallarta was soooo much fun..I left last monday and got back this monday..The weather was like tropical was like in the 85-90..and it was cloudish..This is how me,shannon,david,stoner, and carlos spent our week
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Today was my Last day of High SchoooL..Im happy to say it but it makes me Sad at the same time..It went by really quick..i remember being a freshman just yesterday but yea..not im Graduating...Graduation is tomorrow..I still have to buy something to gonnna go tomorrow morning...Im always running late...egh.just like runs
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