I am utterly addicted to Twitter. I only follow a very select group of about 12 close friends, but it's how we stay in contact when our lives get all busy an seprate. Just today one of them twittered that she had an hour break from work and wanted company, and it turned out every one of us was avalible and in the neighborhood; we staged a spontanious takeover of a nearby cafe. That would have never happened without something so genius as Twitter! When I discovered it, I went from never having texted before to needing unlimited minutes in a single week.
So in conclusion, Twitter rocks the stripes off my socks. It's not just for text-happy tween girls! It's also for text-happy early-middle-age geeks!
Comments 2
So in conclusion, Twitter rocks the stripes off my socks. It's not just for text-happy tween girls! It's also for text-happy early-middle-age geeks!
Do you ever play WoW anymore?
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