I've put a lot of thought toward this, and have decided it's high time I tackle this subject once and for all.
I'm sorry, but I really must say it:
There comes a time on the off-moon o' blue, when newfound clarity will guide us, to correct past decisions made in haste.
The truth is, a terribleclaw's shoes never did fit me too terribly well.
So through many flavours of deliberation, I have decided to retire my 'raptor character in favour of an alter-ego in whom
I feel, quite honestly, a far greater deal of confidence.
Think not ill of me, dinosaur bretheren: I still run among you, and do not fret, prior portraiturists: I will continue to cherish
the creations you have gifted me over the years. Every one of them still speaks to a past which remains very much
a sacred thing. *Hugs of thanks*
But yes, the forthcoming horizon of my future means to turn acutely draconic from here.
Do not expect this to become habit. I traded to correct a freshly diagnosed err in choice, and am unlikely to trade again.
Seeing myself in this form.... feels so much more right. This feels so much more me. You know?
Anyway, your attention is now relinquished. Thanks for the looksee.
To an increasing degree of sincerity,
-Betwyrd C. Skadjer
The Scaly formerly known as Hieronymus.