Thanks to everyone who voted and everyone who jumped in at the last minute and voted. It really helped. :)
The voting was very close on these gorgeous sets and the individual icons as well.
Alright, let's just see who own, shall we.
Winners - Challenge 57 - Triple Threat
Icon Sets
1st Place Set:
Icon by
willow_lives 2nd Place Set:
Icon by
princess_loser 3rd Place Set:
Icon by
decaymymind Best Cropped Icon Set:
Icon by
cblade_007 Mod's Choice Set:
Icon by
akkas_journal Individual Icons
1st Place
Icon by
willow_lives 2nd Place:
Icon by
willow_lives 3rd Place:
Icon by
princess_loser Most Creative Coloring:
Icon by
bluewhiteheart Mod's Choice
Icon by
akkas_journal Congratulations everyone! Beautiful icons!
doppelgangerqaf please comment so we know you are aware that it's your turn to make banners. If you are not able to make banners for this challenge please let us know and we'll scoot you down in the rotation.
Banner Makers Rotation and Guidelines doppelgangerqaf I'd like to help you out with these banners. If you make banners for the individual winners, I'll make banners for winning sets. :)
Please don't forget about
Challenge 58 - Vman Mix. This is an awesome challenge. Love it!
Thanks everyone!