Yush, last night I had the pleasure of seeing Indian Jones and the Crystal Skull. And there's me thinking it was only an action movie! I had no idea that it would be so... paranormal. I wouldn't have considered going to see it had I not been dragged along by my family, but I'm glad I did.
Anyway- onto the Expo pictures... (click for full-size)
The first one I took, someone cosplaying as Leon. :P Stupid flash caught dust...
Blurry picture of Wesker x3. (And half of my brother's head Oo)
My brother as Vincent and an awesome person as Cloud.
Hunk YAY.
A very lovely Anonymous and I. I should have tied my hair back -_-.
More Anonymous, Rick'rolling. A surprising amount of people had signs that said 'You lost the game'...
The poor man in that suit must have been so hot...
Umbrella scientist!1!!!1 He had a syringe as well x3.
Another Wesker.
Just the outside of the building.
See, this is why I hardly ever smile... I always look evil! I don't know why Gina looks so unhappy. This was taken at the Natural History Museum, when we went to get some over-priced food.