Hey girlie! Saw the pics! Looking good. I do read your journal, I cant believe that you dont like it though. That saddens me. I am very bored. I finished my last final today. I got a 67.21 on it (health 350). Depressing...the only one I did not study for the same day i had it. I had a previous one and that went great! All of them did except health! So I am very happy! I dont care if I have to take that stupid health class over again but I would hate to have to go through the whole health fair hell project. Anyway I wanted to say HI!!!! Miss you lots! Oh yeah...I have no car again because it is leaking trasmittion fluid all over the place :(....no money to fix it right now....sad....I hate my car...we need a new one. And then we can make payments on that one and know that we dont have to fix anything on it for awhile! ak! Ok...well I am going to go now. Hope to talk to you soon!
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