Name: Bikky Goldman/Maclean
Age: 11
Birthday: He has no canon birthday! He's totally an Aries though.
Height: TINY. 4'8''? idk.
Weight: Whatever's normal for his height.
Eyes: Blue.
Hair: Blond and longish.
Medical Info: Normal human being. Probably has tiny scars and scrapes and stuff, because eleven year-old boy. Eleven year-old boy who lived in a not so nice neighborhood and likes to steal tires off bikes for fun. Can also jump/be thrown out of three story buildings; IS STURDY.
Physical traits: Um. His mom was white and his dad was black, and the way this is shown is by giving him dark skin, but blond hair and blue eyes. GENETICS WHAT. Also, has both his ears pierced.
Abilities: Can kick like a fiend. Really good at basketball and rollerblading.
Notes for the Psychics: Noooothing special there, but poke if you want. Is likely just thinking normal kid stuff: BASKETBALL and I WONDER IF I CAN CLIMB THAT and THAT WOULD MAKE AN AWESOME RAMP, etc etc. Possibly with WHY IS EVERYONE GAY and OH GOD YOU'RE AN IDIOT thrown in, with dashes of CAROL BETTER GET HERE SOON.
What's Okay To Mention Around Him: Can't think of anything NOT to mention.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Sure? Just talk to me about the shapeshifting/bodyswitching, and if you step on Bikky he will step on you back, but sure.
Hugging/Kissing: GO FOR IT. Hugs may be ~awkward~ but it's not like he'll hit you or anything. Probably. Unless you're creepy about it.
As for kissing, he's a kid, so. Ask?
Fighting: BRING IT, BITCHES. Only not really. Uh. Stuff like hair pulling, a kick to the face/punch to the head - slapstick stuff like that is perfectly fine. Though I am totally not against actual violence if it's called for, so long as it's cleared by me first.
Maim/Murder/Death: WHY. D: Umm, no death for Bikky. Anything else, ping/pm/get me on gchat.
Emo/Angst/Drama: Has slight dead dad/people leaving emo. Push buttons at will, sure. If he responds at all it would probably be by being more of a brat than usual or just storming off, anyway. I am totally cool with playing out the serious stuff.
Cooking: Microwave ftw. Probably can do other, little things with a stove? Since I figure he probably had to feed himself most his life.
Anything else you want to know, feel free to ask.