ehehehe. sounds like something i would do..har har. my friend brittie and i run around waly world fighting over ronald mcdonald. (we got a mcdonalds in wally world) it's a blast. Jimi and i take the kiddie bikes and 3-wheelers and ride around the isles in them..or we'll hide in the clothes..har har. take care kiddie
tee hee.You guys sound like fun :P Reminds me of this time we did something relatively similar to that snowboarding.Except we pretended that we couldnt board at all.It was funny seeing the looks people give you :P I feel bad.I made a girl cry at school today :P It was her fault tho.She was talking shit about me bhind my back..Arg.I dont like that.Just thought Id share :) I dont see why your gf wouldnt like a song you wrote her..Thats like the sweetest thing anyone could do! :) Im happy things seem to be going well for you.Have an awesome day!
<3 sarah
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<3 sarah
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