blah. i hate mondays. the people at my school suck. i feel so out of place. there's only like..10 other "punk" kids there, two of which call me a poser cuz i dont like anti-flag and wasnt at the show. ish. after school i came home and found 3 messages by liena. so i called her. in a way, i really wish i hadn't. because right now..argh i dont even
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sigh. damn, i had a good day/night. too bad it's all over. dont you love that feeling of when it's just you and the person you love? laying in your bed... listening to dashboard... it's great. and her perfume still lingers.
my room smells like hot peppers. the green ones. i figure that's cuz joey is visiting. woot. i wish i was him. he gets a MONTH off for spring break. when i get out in 2 weeks, we're taking a huge road trip. that car will be packed. hopefully we will see some good shows along the way. i hope so i hope so i hope so i hope so
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i was bored so i made a new icon tonight. it was taken sometime in july when i had spikes. i look so much younger there. so hmmm... i can't wait until this weekend. :D
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last night, er...morning, she did come was rad. she jumped out of her car and came running up to me...and gave me a hug. we looked into each other's eyes and she told me she was in love with it felt good. and i said it back. and i meant it. she stayed until 6 freakin am. the end.
yeah, i'd say i had a good time tonight. mike and lacy were makin out like...the whole night. eric and jen were cuddling in a blanket... and kate was on the phone with jake for like 6553924 million hours. everyone had someone...except jamie. so we cuddled (in a friendly way.) after clerks we put it on SNL. oh man, it was so funny. "are you ready
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haha im such a nerd. my comp is all fixed now thanks to jamie. <3 it was so funny earlier... she screwed around with my 'puter in MSDOS mode and she fucked something up. she was all like "nick...oh my god. i dont have money to buy you another so sorry. i dont know what im gonna do." so i started freaking out (i was joking, but she
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