So tonight was a very interesting, but fun, night. I had to go with my boss a few places because we are redoing some of our packaging. We went to a few places to see some different ideas. Well, we were out until like 7 doing that
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I was skating on saturday. I was shocked to find this out, BUT, Chris O'Donnell skates at the rink that I DO!!!!!! SO... Not only do I skate with Reese Witherspoon, but I also skate with Chris O'Donnell!!! OMG! It was so cool! Yeah! Anyway... That is all
Hey all!! WHASSSSAAAAAAAAP!!!! lol So scary shit happening here. I dunno if you know or not, but there have been wildfires spreading all over the valley here. It's pretty scary shit. I remember when I lived in MI and saw this on the news about the wildfires that spread all over. It's quite another actually going through it. I know this
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