Back to normal and way less crowded. I kind of miss the noise!
Now that there's nothing to do I'm going to take this chance to catch up on some sleep. Maybe paint something. I miss them though when I do that. So maybe not.
If anyone wants to do anything I'm up for some fun~ <3
[Private to Byakuran]
I guess I owe you some sort of explanation Byakuran..Thankyouforsavingme~
[Private to Gokudera]
I didn't find out shit. Um. I think I'm going to have to stop looking because...right. Maybe we should meet up. Also your not-boyfriend needs to stop getting crap kicked out of him. It's not even funny anymore. Did he inherit your shit luck or something?..You didn't happen to see Ki did you?
[Private to Yujinn]
I've done a lot of stupid shit since I've seen you~ Maybe we should talk sometime. I stand by what I believe but I've slept with worse. So..If you want...I'd like to talk to you again. I think I'm going to hang out at the hot tub and sauna section of the pool today~ Join me? Maybe you can talk me out of something.