so i fucked up my ankle, which sucks. so ill be the crippled kid at the show thursday, whcih means ill be like uber cool. i love how that works. thats about it. bye
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yea i hurt it freshman year and i havent gone more than like 3-4 months at a time without spraining it or twisting it really bad since. this is one of the worst things its given me.
AH my parents are the same way. i figured out that on days i work and go to school, i essentially have a twelve hour day...not counting time to wake up, do homework, shower, etc. it sucks.
at least you're almost in college and able to get away from crazy parents...i still have to wait another year.
hope your ankel feels better, reinjuies = spawn of satan. (haha i originally wrote "stan.")
Comments 12
dont worry, it can always get much worse.
sry once again not a great mood, my ankle is in fucking pain and its pissing me off
ankle pain is annoying..
at least you're almost in college and able to get away from crazy parents...i still have to wait another year.
hope your ankel feels better, reinjuies = spawn of satan. (haha i originally wrote "stan.")
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