"I'm gay! I'm a gay man! I'm very, very gay."

Jan 12, 2005 18:10

so apparently when my mom got home from work today there was a message on the answering machine from officer something-or-other from the LAPD. according to my him, my father's credit card number was involved in some sort of sketchy situation. the LAPD had arrested some guy for reasons unknown to me right now, and this guy was in possession of a ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

tripwire211 January 13 2005, 01:56:05 UTC
wow dude. scary. good thing it was caught before anything happened.


he's the cable guy...not that there's anything wrong with that! coreyback January 13 2005, 04:06:40 UTC
Well, that's what happens when you go places.


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