Polar woes

Sep 03, 2009 15:05

My Polar S625x HRM/running computer has stood me in good stead since early 2006. I changed the battery at the local Polar service centre in early 2008, as it was not picking up my pulse, and I went to get it changed again 2 weeks ago (the shortened life is due to increased usage - before late 2007, I didn't have the bike component, so my usage was very roughly half as much).

The service centre noticed the face plate...er...mounting? Surround? (Not sure what to call it - the bit that holds the glass in, so the top half of the watch really) was quite dinged up (consequence of having it mounted on the bike for a while before last summer). They wouldn't guarantee water proofness with the same plate. I protested that they had the previous year (and I'd stopped mounting it like that before the last battery change), but no go, so I forked out for a new faceplate as well. All in all, 100 CHF for face plate, watch battery and transmitter battery.

Watch worked OK for Uster Tri, but I noticed the display dimming occasionally. I thought it was the very bright sunlight and angle. Next weekend, went out for a run, and it lasted about 5 mins before dying on me and the glass fogging up. Display reappeared about 2 hours later, but still fogged up glass.

Took it back to service centre yesterday. Chap opened it up, and lo and behold, water in the case, but innards still working. He said he'd dry it out and see what was what.

Today, he's not there, and the watch is not working. The centre suggests I buy a new one as the cost of repair is likely to be prohibitive, as contacts are now corroded. The test machine they have shows the watch as waterproof, so their theory is water must have come in mechanically somehow - you're not meant to push buttons underwater. I know this, and never do so. The implication is I must have done. I get a bit stroppy. 3 years - no button push, all ok. Battery change, and suddenly, I'm pushing buttons like there's no tomorrow. They suggest maybe it's sweat or aggressive multi sport activity. This does not make me happy. I protest the whole reason I changed the face plate was to get the guarantee. They say it is waterproof according to their tests, so we're in a "grey area". They won't assume all the costs, but they want me to be a happy customer and come back again.

So far, they are offering discounted repair (with the strong suggestion it's not worth it) or a "good price" for a new watch. I have to go back tomorrow (3rd trip in 3 days) to discuss with the guy who did the repair.

But, Polar have changed their technology. The equivalent multisport computer (RS800CX) now uses a different footpod and bike sensor. There are "intermediate" models (both in functionality and age of technology) that still use the same footpod as I have, but none of them are compatible with a bike sensor of any sort. The new equivalent model multisport computer with new footpod is 729.90 CHF (footpod is on its own 199.90 CHF, combined package cheaper by 49.50 CHF), plus 79.90 CHF for the new bike speed sensor = 809.80 CHF = 467.50 GBP. Whatever sort of discount they give (and I'd be amazed if it’s anymore than the 100 CHF I paid for the battery and faceplate), it's a large whollop of cash that I resent paying. Grrr.

polar hrm, triathlon

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