Ever get tired of having to stop a Sims's queue when you want to change their expression or pose? This is one method that will save you a lot of time.
What you will need:
Sim PEDecorgal's Posebox Open the "decorgal_hack_modelpose.package" in Sim PE. On the resource tree on the left-hand side click "pie menu options" and then "reaction test interaction table", which will appear under the resource list. Make sure you're looking in the "plugin view" tab.
Here you will see a list of the menu options for the posebox. Check "immediately" on all the poses and expressions you want to be able to do right away, but make sure you check it for both the "stop" and the "start".
Here I have a Sim doing the "check butt" animation in an endless loop thanks to the Hula Mod. Now I can change their expression however I want without stopping the animation loop, and go back to the natural expression if I don't find anything I like.
You can do this for any pose from any non-queued posebox, my favorites being boxes that allow you to pose the arms and legs alone:
PoserboxWalk OverlaysParts Posing Box This way you can also change the expressions while Sims are cuddling, something that was not possible to do before because the Sims' expressions reset before going into cuddle mode.
You can also use this method to enable the options for children by checking the "children" box, though they will float in the full body poses meant for adults. The parts posing and facial expressions will have no problems though.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments!