Okay, to be honest I didn't actually watch very much of this last night. I was playing Dragon Age, and anyway extensive Katherine backstory really doesn't interest me all that much, but I will put a cut anyway, even though I don't have much to say.
Blah blah blah about Katherine and her infant, and Klaus killing her family or whatever it was. Probably I should have been paying more attention to this, but all I really got from it is that Katherine offered Elena blood, and Elena refused it which is SO. DUMB. But I guess that Elena is different from every other journal-wielding emo kid in that she doesn't want to be a vampire.
And then proceeds to be the vanilla human that is apparently more important to the plot than all the supernatural creatures around her. "THEY'RE ALL IN DANGER BECAUSE OF MEEEEEEE /sob" Gag me, okay? This plot device annoyed me in Twilight, and it annoys me now, too. At least Elena isn't as pathetic and stupid as Bella.
And why does the side plot have to be about Bonnie? I honestly don't care about her new romantic interest or Jeremy's emo longing (which may not be explicit, but is pretty damned obvious).
Also not a fan of Damon and...what's-her-face the new female vamp from last episode. I would rather see him with Caroline, even though they already did that and it wasn't as interesting when it was happening. Plus, *waving Tyler/Caroline flag still*