Don't know if you still use this..but i am alive! Goodness how are you? Im sorry i have been in Kentucky for a while now...Wow where to begin..k here goes.. I left my house one morning while everyone was asleep because i was tired of my dad and i wasnt happy w/ myself. I got an apartment in S.A. a while back like summertime...while a guy i had been seeing since sophomore year on and off went off to basic in the Army. I thought ide never hear from him November Bryan is at my apt. door in his uniform. I was very excited. We got together after that. When he went back to Ft. Campbell he asked me to come visit him...which i did and well he proposed to me. I said yes. We are currently married (my parents dont know that, only that we are getting married when he gets back from Iraq) We had to do it by court so that i could get a military id and what not so i could live on base. I now live in Ft. Campbell KY and have been totally straight-no drugs or alcohol. I am the happiest ive ever been in my life. Since i left my house my family
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