so, uh, what's the deal guys? am i the only one really excited by this topic?

Mar 19, 2009 23:32

I am prolly the only one who's got on-topic pencils I can trace...

Sorry if lines are a little vague. I was too lazy to scan the pencils, and went off a blurry photo instead. It's more obvious in the body, which I put very little priority in, as I'm sure you can see.

It's a different, more extreme take on this, what happens when you've got a very large, smiley thing in a smaller, long-dead container and the large thing relaxes. The expression is more exaggerated than the one I did a few years ago, and to compensate the skin at the top of his skin isn't merely cracking, it's outright split. Also his jaw's popped out and taken a good deal of skin with it.

I guess I don't really address gore too anatomically, but like most of my art, it strives more for an idea than for realism, because there's really nothing to even use as a reference for this sort of thing. I did try to apply some stretching that wasn't there in the pencils, but mostly it's just tearing that I don't have the education to justify.

But the neck. What the hell's the deal there. I'd like to say the idea is that guys like Elongated Man and Mr. Fantastic aren't seen nearly as horrifying as they should be, but that's more a retrospect.

So how 'bout we get a few mores hats thrown in this ring? Body horror's a subject close to my heart, so I'd love to see other takes on it!

body horror, aliasjack

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