Happy Anniversary, M Ravensblood!!!

Sep 29, 2006 19:14

I just wrote the following little bit of Skew as an anniversary present for the illustrious m_ravensblood on the occasion of her celebrating two years as a fanfiction author. I hope the rest of you enjoy sharing her pressie.


Title: Happy Anniversary

Author: Gabrielle

Pairing: Sam/Jack (Profiler)

Rating: FRT-13/PG-13

Summary: Samantha and Jack celebrate their 25th anniversary.

Distribution: Here, my LJ, and my site only.

Disclaimer: I own nothing. It all belongs to Sanders/Moses, NBC, and a bunch of other people who are not now and have never been me.

Author's Notes: Happy Anniversary, m_ravensblood! Here's to many more years of fic from you!

Happy Anniversary

She ran her hand over his hair, the once-blond-now-silver strands crisp under her fingers, and smiled. It was a special night. Twenty-five years together. They had never had a proper wedding, but it didn’t matter. They were as committed to each other as any two people had ever been, even without the sanctity of marriage vows.

Over the last quarter century they had shared everything, their lives, their love, their souls. And he had given her so much, more than she had ever dreamed possible. So tonight, she thought as she escorted her beloved into the parlour where her gift awaited, she would show him how very much she appreciated all he had done for her. The look on his face as he saw the father and daughter bound, gagged, and terrified as they awaited what was sure to be an unpleasant evening told her that her taste was impeccable. Jack was definitely going to enjoy “unwrapping” his gift. It was just a shame that Bailey and Frances wouldn’t enjoy the anniversary party nearly as much.

The End.

velvetwhip, fanfiction, jack/samantha

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