Rob Nugent's dad died on Friday. (Rob Nugent from Wilson, not Rob Nugent from Niagara Falls). Wake is Tuesday 4/15 from 2-4 & 7-9 Funeral Wed. 4/16 10 AM
Not much to update except lost most of my friends- Scott- RIP 12/15/05 - Worst day ever. Leon- Gone to California Rob- Gone to California Mark- Gone to Florida on Sunday Everybody from The Falls- MIA....Or maybe I'm MIA... How do you tell?
Just Brian and Rob Thilke left. How can the dudes hang out when there's only 3 dudes?
Syracuse nationals this weekend. Not taking the pickup though. Trailering a Mustang instead. Should be fun.
I need a new laptop. My old crap-top won't support my new fuel injection tuner. I need Windows 98 or up so I can run USB. ANYBODY HAVE ONE THAT THEY'RE LOOKIN TO GET RID OF CHEAP? -Mike
Yeah, that's right muthafuckas...and I feel fine. anyway, life is grand. I got my business cards at work today. So, I guess it's official, I'm no longer considered a blue collar worker. Shit. Just when I was gettin good at it too
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