Reims Academy Application

Jul 09, 2011 04:52

( fandom student application )

AGE: 18
CONTACT: xLadyRoxanne @ AIM,, xLadyRoxanne@ Plurk
PERSONAL LJ: rox_chan

NAME: Sora (Bristow)
CANON: Kingdom Hearts
AGE: 15
ENROLLMENT: Mostly covered by scholarships; his parents are paying for the remainder.

APPEARANCE: Sora. Minus a few hundred belts and pockets.

If there was ever someone you wanted as a friend, Sora is the best of the best. Ask anyone about this boy, and there’s one thing they’ll all agree on; he’s always joyful, and will happily greet even a perfect stranger with a smile. He’s always the type to see the glass as half-full, always the first to try something new, and always the last to give up when someone is counting on him. With his cheerful and outgoing personality, Sora is the type to easily make a strong impression on a new face…and, after meeting him, you’re likely to find yourself with a valuable new friend, whether you were looking for one or not.

Sora prefers to go through life with his head held high. This is why, for the most part, he likes to have a positive attitude. This isn’t to say that he ignores the hardships of life in favor of blind optimism; he just tries his hardest to believe that, beyond all the struggles, there’s always more good waiting. He tries to convince others of this when they’re feeling down, also - that when things are at their worst, they won’t be that way forever.

With a world view like that, it takes a lot to keep this kid down. It would take a very serious blow to keep him feeling awful for any significant amount of time and, even then, he would be reluctant to let it show (or, in some cases, even to fully admit to himself that something is wrong). Still, Sora is, as a general rule, open and honest - if something is really wrong, he will always talk to a friend unless he absolutely can’t. He doesn’t like hiding things anyway…and, besides, two heads are always better then one.

To understand Sora, you also have to understand that his friends matter to him more than anything. He’ll often go out of his way to help someone in need, of course…but he would do literally anything to keep his friends safe, especially his very best friends. Because beyond just wanting to be around people - to have someone to laugh and smile with, or to talk to when you need some help - he counts on his friends. Sora’s inner strength comes from knowing that he cares about people, and that there are people who care about him. He wants his loved ones to be happy and safe, and will go all out to make that happen.

But if you make an enemy out of him, forget it - he’ll be a thorn in your side for a very long time. If he sees wrong being done, he’ll fight it, especially if he needs to defend someone else. Though he won’t actively pursue confrontation (especially not physical confrontation), he isn’t the type to just sit back and take abuse. He believes that people should always do the right thing and, when he sees wrong, he’ll often object…though he understands that, sometimes, bad can be done with good intentions. Surprisingly enough, Sora is incredibly forgiving. Provided the person in question isn’t actively trying to hurt others, or is genuinely sorry for what they’ve done, he won’t hold a grudge for past actions.

Beyond all of this, Sora is just a simple teenage boy. He goes to school, does homework, and spends time with his friends. He’s generally cheerful, occasionally lazy, and, sometimes, a bit clueless and naive. He’s active, outgoing, and social. But, most importantly, he’s just a good kid - a good kid who always has a smile when it’s needed the most.

COMPUTER APTITUDE: Sora can work a computer, of course, but he’s far from an expert. In fact, it’s fair to say that computers are one of his weaknesses. It takes him forever to even learn how to use new programs and such without making them do very, very silly things…so, needless to say, he won’t be hacking filters or messing with the Reims intranet anytime soon.


Very little about Sora’s early origins can be considered notable, or particularly outstanding. He was born to Ann and James Bristow, a happy new couple, in Liverpool, England. James had a good job - could have had a better one, were it not for the fact that he wanted to be able to spend more time with his family - and Ann, formerly a secretary for a small law office, became a stay-at-home mom when Sora was born.

This boy was very fortunate. He had a happy, normal childhood, and a loving family. His personality grew to match - he was the little boy who always smiled, loved to help others, and wanted to explore and discover everything the world had to offer. Though he may have been a normal child, one thing was clear - Sora had an exceptionally good heart.

When he was still very young, he met another boy by chance. He was the oldest son of a very rich and well-known family…but, despite their differences, the two became fast friends. They were nearly inseparable, and this friendship began to change the course of Sora’s life for the better - with Riku’s help, he studied hard enough to be able to switch school, just so that they could spend more time together. Though the transition was strange, Sora adapted. He met new people and got involved, and made the most of every opportunity he could, just like he always had. Were it not for this change in Sora’s world, he wouldn’t have met his other best friend; a girl his age, who he quickly became very close to.

For a long while, life continued on as normal. Sora’s parents were proud of his hard work, and of his choices in friends. They trusted their son, who had proven time and time again that he would do his best not to let people down. So, when he was fourteen, and Riku invited him to come on his birthday cruise, his parents didn’t object.

It was supposed to be an adventure. Sure, his friend had been on lots of cruises before - his dad owned the business, after all - but this was the first time they had gone together. But, late at night, Sora was woken up by a commotion. He asked around, and was shocked when he had been told what had happened; Riku had been attacked and stabbed, and was quite possibly near death. He ran out to find him immediately, and didn’t leave his side until he had to. He waited nervously at the hospital, telling himself that everything would be okay.

The doctor came out, hours later, and told them that Riku had died in surgery.

Sora doesn’t really remember the short period of time after that, when they were still in the hospital. He remembers trying to comfort his friend’s brother, and maybe trying to talk to some others - he was running on autopilot, in a state of complete shock. Then…something happened. A miracle.

Riku’s heart started beating again.

After a few more tense hours, the doctor again came out, this time to say that Riku’s condition had stabilized. Sora had never been more relieved about anything in his life. Riku was diagnosed with a potentially fatal heart disease, but, for that moment, Sora was just thankful that his best friend was alive.

After that, Sora became even more attached to his friends - now, more then ever, he realized that every moment was precious, and wanted to make the best out of all of them. That’s why when Riku was transferred to Reims Academy, Sora again set his sights on something new…and, after even more time and effort, was finally accepted with a good enough scholarship to attend.

It was another new adventure, and Sora was hoping for the best.


I don’t believe this…I can’t find it anywhere…

Hey, does anyone know if there’s a lost and found somewhere around here? A friend of mine sent me a gift the other day, but…I can’t find it anywhere. Could’ve sworn I left it in my room, but…well…

It’s a charm. It’s big, and it looks like a bunch of seashells in the shape of a star. It looks almost like it could be on a bracelet or something, except it's way too big for that.

If anyone’s seen it, and can tell me where it is, that would be great!


It wasn’t that Sora was bad with directions. It was just that, on occasion, he had a certain talent for losing his way in new places. Now was one of those occasions.

He had been at Reims for a little bit, sure, and he had done plenty of walking around…but this was a new class, at a building he had never been to before. It was natural that he would get a little bit off track. Still…he thought it would be easy. The place was big and clear on his map. Science Building, Room 211. He’d done exactly what he should have…and he’d paid attention at all of the turns!

Or…well, he thought he had.

Sora held the map tight in his grip, trying his hardest to match the landmarks nearby with some part of his path. It was hard to focus, with the wind that day; the paper wanted to fly out of his hands, but Sora held on tight.

Should’ve turned left there. He thought, taking a close look at the spot in question. No, right back there…or maybe…

If Riku were there, he’d probably be laughing.

With that thought, Sora was all the more determined to not only turn around and find the right path, but to find it and get to class with minutes to spare. He would do it. He wasn’t going to make an idiot out of himself on the first day! Besides…how bad would that look to his teacher? The last thing Sora wanted to do was let anyone down - even if that somebody was a teacher he hadn’t even met.

With a renewed determination, he set off to find the last place he recognized, running as if his life depended on it.

HAVE YOU READ THE FAQ? Yes, and I shall avoid 90% hackable filters, for I greatly fear the RABID WOMBAT.

application, reims academy

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