Title: If Only in My Dreams
skieswideopenPairing: Cameron Mitchell/John Sheppard
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Word Count: ~1350
Summary: Cam discusses holiday plans with John.
Notes: Takes place about one year after "
Joy! 'Tis Christmas Morning."
From: cameron.mitchell@sgc.af.mil
To: john.sheppard@atl.af.mil
Sent: 11/5/2008
Subject: Holidays
He really did that? Wow. Thank God for Zelenka! What did Woolsey say?
Hey, you remember that little SG-1 reunion trip I told you about? The one we managed to pull even Jackson into? Well, Vala managed to get him roped into yet another wedding ceremony while we were there, and this one came complete with matching *tattoos*. Make sure you read both of their reports for the full flavor. She's improving, by the way--this time she managed to do it without getting him drunk first. You've got to admire the woman's persistence, if not her intentions. Tricking Jackson into marriage three times takes some doing.
I've been given a full week of leave this year--I think Landry's still feeling guilty about last Christmas--so I'm heading back to Kansas for the holidays. If you're going to be on Earth then, you're welcome to come along. Even Kansas beats hanging out at the base, and trust me, it's worth the trip for Mom's dressing. Unless, of course, you plan on spending Christmas with your brother--I'm sure he'd love to see you.
From: cameron.mitchell@sgc.af.mil
To: john.sheppard@atl.af.mil
Sent: 11/12/2008
Subject: Re: RE: Re: RE: Dinosaurs and crackers
I don't care if the biologists say they were only pseudo-dinosaurs, it's still cool. I'm going to try to make it out to Atlantis next year. I'm expecting the full tour while I'm there. In a jumper.
There's not much new on my end. I've got a minor mission coming up in a couple of days with the new team--usual first contact stuff. We're going to be auditioning a new biologist, since apparently the Powers That Be have decided I wasn't busy enough looking after just one scientists. (I've read the reports, but it wasn't until I got the new team that I realized just what SG-1 went through in training Jackson. And don't you dare tell him I said that.)
From: cameron.mitchell@sgc.af.mil
To: john.sheppard@atl.af.mil
Sent: 11/19/2008
Subject: Re: Fowl Events
It wasn't a chicken; it was more like a duck. A six-foot *mutant* duck with very sharp claws. And yes, the bruises should fade by Christmas, so I won't have to explain anything to the family. I can't believe Sam told you about that! One year serving together in Atlantis overrides twenty years of friendship? What ever happened to team loyalty? Obviously I need to remind her that I still have a few stories from SG-1 that didn't make it into the official reports.
I know it's early to be making Christmas plans, but my parents are insane about working out the details early. They've got twenty people coming in from seven states, so they have to be. Anyway, glad to hear you'll be back on Earth. I'll let Mom and Dad know you're coming. They'll be thrilled--they love house guests. And it's okay if something comes up; they know how the Air Force works.
Now if only I can figure out what to get Teal'c this year...
From: cameron.mitchell@sgc.af.mil
To: john.sheppard@atl.af.mil
Sent: 12/3/2008
Subject: Re: Are you okay?
I'm back. I'm fine. The Klaxi didn't hurt us, just held onto us for a while. Thought it would improve their trading chances. We slipped away when they weren't looking. No big deal. Looks like the new biologist--Grayson--is going to work out. She kept her head through the whole thing, and she knows when to duck and run.
Teal'c's coming back from Chulak for Christmas. Or at least for the party at the SGC, and probably his annual tour of lights. He has a thing for Christmas. Told me once that the Jaffa don't have anything like it. I guess Apophis didn't celebrate his birthday. Sam said she'd try to come in from Area 51 too, and Jackson said he'll be around too, so we'll have the whole team together again.
Guess who I ran into the other day? Good 'ol Cueball. Yeah, the guy's still around and still in the Air Force, God help us. I thought he'd be off fighting the war on terror, but apparently he's at Peterson right now playing desk jockey. Could be worse, I guess--he could be at the Academy. I managed to slip in the fact that you have your own command now. You should have seen the look on his face!
From: cameron.mitchell@sgc.af.mil
To: john.sheppard@atl.af.mil
Sent: 12/10/2008
Subject: Holiday plans
The Gators whupped Alabama's ass on Saturday, so it looks like Florida's going to the national championship. The BSC isn't until January 8th, though, so we'll probably both miss it. I'll send the recording to you. If you're lucky, it'll arrive in Pegasus before you hear who won.
Mom and Dad have been asking me what to buy you for Christmas. (Everyone who shows up gets a present. It's tradition, so it doesn't do any good to protest.) They were going to go with the classic scarf/hat combination until I told them you're stationed somewhere pretty warm. (You should be grateful for that, by the way. My mom's taste in scarves is, well, let's just say you probably wouldn't have wanted to be seen in public.) I've given them a couple of better ideas. And by the way, whatever you're thinking of giving me had better be something I can open in front of my parents *and* a bunch of kids and not like last year's little stunt in front of the nurses.
Did you get a gift for Dave? Want me to send him something with your name on it?
From: cameron.mitchell@sgc.af.mil
To: john.sheppard@atl.af.mil
Sent: 12/17/2008
Subject: Re: Sorry
It's too bad about Lorne. I'm glad to hear he'll be all right, but Christmas in the infirmary is never fun, as I know from extensive personal experience. Hopefully he'll be able to hobble around a bit by the time the big party rolls around.
Maybe you'll make it back here next year. I'll probably be able to swing a couple of days off so we can hang out.
I'll pass on your message next time I see Cueball. At least there's no chance of him ending up at the SGC, right?
From: cameron.mitchell@sgc.af.mil
To: john.sheppard@atl.af.mil
Sent: 12/24/2008
Subject: (None)
I wrote this up before I left the base, so I'm probably in Kansas as you're reading it, and you're getting ready for the traditional Atlantean Christmas Eve party, which Sam described to me in detail. Maybe this year you'll be spared any science/military feuds as a result of cookie contests. How long did it take the scientists to forgive you, anyway? (You should be grateful that it was cookies they asked you to judge, and not that eggnog you told me about.)
I realize you didn't know when you bought last year's gifts that I'd be opening them in the infirmary, but you *are* the one who redirected them there, instead of waiting until I got home. And yes, I did appreciate them--all twelve of them.
Merry Christmas, John.
(Don't believe any of the stories Sam tells you about the SGC party.)
From: cameron.mitchell@sgc.af.mil
To: john.sheppard@atl.af.mil
Sent: 12/31/2008
Subject: (None)
Do you remember how after last year's extravaganza, we agreed that this year we were going to place reasonable limits on gifts, which involved spending reasonable amounts of money? Yeah? So in what world does buying a new *motorcycle* involve spending reasonable a amount of money? I realize you've got more than five years of back-pay piling up here, plus God knows how much in trust funds, but we were supposed to be measuring reasonable by the standards of those of us who actually have bills to pay. And you're further torturing me by giving it to me in winter, which means I have to wait *five* months to ride it.
I probably should have guessed when you started quizzing me at the dealership. It's beautiful. It's exactly the one I wanted. Thank you.
Mom and Dad say hello. They sent your Christmas gift with me to Colorado Springs, for the next time you're in town.
The new team's off on a mission next week. The SGC thinks it's got a lead on the location of the Furlings, and they're sending us to check it out. Should be fun.
Happy New Year, John!