Title: with the mouth of a goat
Rating: PG-13 Genre: gen; strong Dean/Cas vibes, but it's intended gen.
Characters: Dean, Cas, Sam
Spoilers: spoilers through 7.23
Warnings: old!Dean, old!Cas, human!Cas; minor self-harm; hurt/comfort; angst;
Word Count: 10500 total
Teaser: sequel to
remember, who we are. A little time has passed and Sam had some
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Comments 21
It has to be awfully complicated! I mean, it evolved over millennia. And Dean isn't stupid! I hope I got across with his line that he can already express much more than he ever could in english that he does know how to use, at least the part that he knows, properly.
hehe, honestly I picked sioux falls because it's the easy way out for me as author XD Readers know it, my boys know it, and yeah, having Jody there will be a huge asset! Also, your point of it being in the middle is also a good reason.
Glad it shines through. Although I hope he still comes across as Dean and the development makes sense...
But don't forget, he's in a post traumatic situation, he might find back more to himself again. Might, I say, I don't know myself if I'm continuing this and how...
And last but not least, thanks a lot for taking the time for a thorough comment! It means a lot!
There's another fic series that I can't help think of - after the "Mystery Spot" events Sam takes on Dean's persona and Dean has to play the part of "Sam". It made a point that it takes only two months to form a habit. Now consider that thirty years is almost half of Dean's lifetime (Hell notwithstanding) and those are some pretty hard habits to break.
Anyway, I think this is fine at this point. If you don't continue, I think with this piece it's pretty set.
If you ever write more on this, I think some kind of private conversation between Dean and Cas with small recollections of Purgatory spliced in would be enjoyable. Perhaps it takes place because one of them has a vivid dream or nightmare and the other has to talk the other down by talking it out. It'd be adorable. =)
And you know, I'm not usually one for Dean/Cas or slash in general for this fandom, but it's coming off as really natural for the situation. Their closeness and acceptance of each others' touch, need for it really, to feel secure is down right inspiring. You've done great with this!
Funny, a lot of people requested more Dean/Cas interaction. And there I am trying to write a not Dean/Cas centered fic for once, lol! But, good sugestion, I consider a nightmare...
not usually one for Dean/Cas or slash in general for this fandom, but it's coming off as really natural for the situation wow, thanks for the great comment! Maybe it works for you since it's not really slash, it's more bromance... although slashers are able to read as much slash in it as they want ;)
LOL, I understand you. The slashers in this fandom are weird! I'm quoting a comment from one of my LJ friends: "HA! Seriously, this fandom is so twisted that you have to take special precautions NOT to ship siblings, because we're prone to *headdesk*" (We were talking about using the evil / while writing a comment on two sibling OC's of her story, lol!)
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