time to be honest

Apr 14, 2006 22:42

Lindsey and I hung out tonight. We did a lot of talking about the past year and everything that was then and is now. I want to be very honest right now...... all of this that Jayme and I are going through. . . . . it breaks my heart. For two years she was calling me her sister, her friend, her buddy....... she made me feel better when i was sad, ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

arais_lesoria April 15 2006, 05:55:44 UTC
At the end of the day you aren't a shallow, self serving wigger fucking bitch. Take solace in that.


skilztime April 16 2006, 00:47:26 UTC
you rock maxwell!


ruckyou April 16 2006, 01:38:43 UTC
I am glad you had a good time. And I am happy that you can admit what you truly feel. That is a good thing and something you should never EVER let go of!


skilztime April 16 2006, 03:28:13 UTC
i love you mouse


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