Name: Marybeth
Age: 14
Birthday: September 27th 1990
Sex: Female
Location: Long Island, New York
Piercings: Ears
Tattoos: None
Color, and WHY: Dark blue because it reminds me of the nightsky and that gives me this feeling like someone special is waiting for me.
10 bands: Hawthorne Heights, Boys night out, Hellogoodbye, Taking Back Sunday, The Juliana Theory, Finch, The Starting Line, Senses Fail, Fall Out Boy, Matchbook Romance
5 Books: I don't read much books.. The Giver and The Cage, so those are my school books but they were excellent
Quote (NOT A SONG LYRIC!!!!): Mediocore minds usually dismiss anything that reaches beyond there own understanding.
Song, and WHY: Wake up call - Hawthorne Heights - Because it reminds me of my x's, it doesn't make me happy in the end but it makes me feel as if ill get that feeling back. OR The Only Honest Love song - Boys Night out - because it is how i feel about love.
One interesting thing about yourself: Neon Green attracts me
How would your best friend describe you: Random, Loud, Hyper, Quirky, RAD!
Make us laugh: I asked my friend if he wanted to wear my pants and told me he wouldn't because his penis was to big.
and if that doesnt work,
Head, shoulders, knees and toes (knees and toes)
head, shoulders, knees and toes,
Eyes and ears and mouth and nose
Head, shoulders, knees and toes
Abortion: When there is no situation provided i would have to say Pro-choice. It really depends on the situation for me to have an opinion on it. It would be nice to just have abortion illegal so innocent children wouldn't die, but is that whats best for the woman?
Pre-marital Sex: I think everyone is going to do it. I mean, maybe you want to. I don't think there should be an age limit on sex. My bestfriend who i have known since i was 5 years old is wanting that from me. and I'm not going to give it to him because i know IM not ready. But when I'm ready hes the one person I feel i would want to expiernce that with. All in all, I think that pre-martial Sex should be with someone you trust, not with someone who just wants to fool around.
Eating Disorders: Its hard for me to talk about this because its a touchy subject for me. I don't like explaining it with depth because it makes me feel bad about myself. I purge, more than I'd like to admit. I don't throw up, I just purge, at the time i feel great. But it doesn't help in the long run. But the people who do it(most of the time), aren't doing it because of what the media is telling them. They are doing it because when they look in the mirror they see a deformed image of themselves. Or because they are trying to deal with an emotional problem. Anorexia and Bulimia are both dieseases and when they get to such an extent they need to be handled properly.
Self Mutilation: 2 of my good friends handled the problem with maturity it makes me so proud to say i know them. Boy1 accidently told Boy2 and Boy2 told his history teacher and Boy1 got help, he has never done it since. It was his first time and his last. People who cut are trying to deal with emotional pain, unless they do it for attention then they can't help it. They need help, something in there life shouldn't be so horrible that they can only resort to self mutilating. In my opinion cutting leads to death, and we don't need any more deaths in the world.
Capital Punishment: I'm not really sure about this one, sorry.
What's your first impression of the mods: Heather is awsome and i love her, I don't know the other mod, but I bet shes great if shes friends with Heather.
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