see through me

Nov 15, 2004 15:32


Name: Elisa
Age/DOB: 18/Sept. 26, 86
Location: Hope Mills, NC/ Greenville, NC
Sex: Female
single or taken?: Unfortunately single...I want a lover. :o(

Color and why? blue, because it's a pretty color and it helps to keep me calm.
5 Bands: The Early November, Death Cab for Cutie, The Postal Service, Bright Eyes, Incubus [it's kind of hard to only name 5 bands, I heart so many]
5 Songs: "Pretty, Pretty" - The Early November; "Existentialism on Prom Night" - Straylight Run; "I Wish You Were Here" - Incubus; "Clark Gable" & "Sleeping In" by The Postal Service
5 movies: Garden State, Donnie Darko, Napolean Dynamite, Big Fish, Finding Nemo
5 Books: Life of Pi, The Da Vinci Code, Angels and Demons, Dante's Inferno, Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl
Song lyric that describes you: "And your eyes must do some raining if you're ever going to grow. But when crying don't help, and you can't compose yourself. It is best to compose a poem, an honest verse of longing or a simple song of hope. That is why I'm singing..." -Bright Eyes
Stuff to do: write poetry, dance, play rugby, make new friends/hang out with friends/catch up with old friends, go to shows, watch movies, cuddle, hug, kiss

What do you think of scene kids? They're cute and trendy. But aren't they more indie than emo?
What do you think of boys who wear "girl" pants: So sexy! But if a boy has the same pants as me and looks better in them than I makes me sad. :o(
Capital Punishment (if you don't know what it is, look it up): I'm agaist Capital Punishment. I'm normally a rather passive/non-violent person and I don't think we have the right to take someone else's life away. Even if someone has commited a murder, I don't think they should be sentenced to the death penalty. In my opinion, life in prison without the possibility of parole sounds a bit more disheartening because killing them is putting them out of their misery. I think they would suffer more staying alive, living their days in a prison.
Gay marriage (and please don't say "love is love", think of something more your own): Due to the fact that I'm bi and may possibly fall head over heals for a girl makes me an activist for gay marriage. Honestly, who gives a flying fuck whether two people getting married are the same sex or not. It's not going to spread like a disease. (Most) people won't want to start marrying their cars, pets, or brothers or sisters. And don't tell me it's against the sanction of marriage because we've long since thrown that out the window with 24 hour marriages in Vegas and the divorce rate being close to 50%. So, if two people are in love and want to devote the rest of their lives to one another, then I say so be it. NO MATTER what gender you are. Because love doesn't know gender, race, religion, etc, ... it just knows love.

Define beauty (in your own words): Beauty to me is something that grasps your attention and makes you gasp.(ie. a beautiful sunrise, a beautiful smile...etc); however, I don't think it's all physicality. Beauty is being yourself and everyone loving how goofy you are.
What are your two favorite things about yourself?(one must be personality related, the other physical): personality: how I can see things from both point of views; physical: how I dance
What movie can you best relate to and why? um...
What is the most embarrassing CD in your collection? Britney Spears. 1st album from back in 7th grade. :oX
What never fails to make you happy? dancing

Make us laugh: Watch this you fucking guy. (If you don't think that's funny, then I'm just a stupid dumbass.

What is the greatest piece of advice that you have ever recieved and why? Live for tomorrow not for today because tomorrow always look like a brighter day. Because it keeps me with a positive outlook on things getting better, eventually.

Why do you want to be in this community? Because I want to be a cool kid with Heather. :o)
Promote to TWO places and show the links.:
Lastly, provide at least 3 clear photos of you. You need at least 2 that aren't photoshopped.

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