A is for age: Sixteen. But i cant drive!! Mehr.
B is for booze: Maybe a little?
C is for career: stoodent
D is for dad's name: Ray
E is for essential items to bring to a party: I havent been to a party. :( But i supposed I'd bring clothes.
F is for favorite song at the moment: Trying to find out who sings this some stuck in my head.. ah. Its "Mr. Brightside" by The Killers.
G is for girlfriend: *sigh*
H is for hometown: Eureka, CA nor*cal bee-hach!
I is for instruments you play: My voice, tho not well.
J is for jam/jelly you like: Someone couldn't think of something for J...
K is for kids: Sometime...
L is for living arrangements: Parents, older brother
M is for mom's name: Mrs. Doyle. ;)
N is for name of your best friend(s): I refuse to rate.
O is for overnight hospital stays: Negative
P is for phobias: I dont like germs.. but I am not too afraid of them.
Q is for quote you like: I'm not smart enough to quote things.
R is for relationship that lasted longest: :(
S is for sexual position: If i knew..
T is for time you wake up: School days? 6:00.
U is for unique trait: I can never get to know anyone very well.
V is for vegetable you love: Bell Pepers
W is for worst trait: Inability to make conversation
Y is for yummy food you make: I made cookies once...
Z is for zodiac sign: Capricorn
First job: Student Tech
First screen name: BananaBoy. Every in chat rooms kept asking me to cyber, but at the time, i didn't know what that was. :S I jsut liked bananas
First funeral: Freind's mom.
First pet: Hammy the hamster.
First piercing: Well.. lol, never mind. None, sorta.
First favorite musician: Peter Paul and Mary? lol
Last car ride: My mom took me out looking for hills to ride.
Last movie watched: Dont know.
Last beverage drank: Water
Last food consumed: Whipped cream cheese on club crackers.
Last CD played: CD? bah, losers.
Birthday: Dec. 29th 1988
Hair color: Dull brown
Eye color: Brown surrounded by green.
Shoe size: 12-13
Height: 6'4"
right now
Wearing: Red shirt, blue pants, purple plad boxers, no socks. I wish i had socks.
Drinking: Nope
Thinking about: What am I going to do today? Will I get anybody longboarding with me?
Watching: Neg
Listening to: The Strokes
I'm gonna use tillian now i think.. so you can hit me on AIM under oskineo . If anybody wants to do something outside today which involves movement, call me up. I dont like sitting around.