So, Suede will now play
Denmark in August. How about they stop by Gothenburg too? *keeps fingers crossed*. I mean, after all
Way Out West *is* the most important and most popular and nicest music festival in Sweden...and has sold out pretty much every year so far...
Comments 5
Way out west, tror jag ej, inte riktigt mina band.
Nej, det beror på vilka band/artister som kommer. Gick första året men sen var det inget intressant eller så fanns ingen tid. Annars får jag väl försöka hitta någon som vill gå. Verkar som att folk har fullt upp i sommar...bebisar, semestrar, utomlands och gud vet vad :( Jag kännner mig dissad.
Udda kurs, hittade du ingen i svampplockning 5p eller?
are Suede really fucking big in Denmark? If so, any idea why?
Yup, they are. Or at least they were back in the days. And i really don't know why....Suede were in general very popular in Scandinavia (A New Morning excepted. Although that one was a hit in Denmark as well but maybe not so much in Norway and Sweden) Maybe it's just plain simple...just down to the fact that we really appreciate good pop music! ;)
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