And what's so wrong about wanting to get away? People get too consumed in doing what's next and "staying on track." Forget what's next. Staying on track = boring! Do whatever you want and don't let anyone make you second guess what you want. Those doors are so opened for you and well if they close then you know that you're not supposed to serve God in the Sun. Geez, you live with a bunch of Pacific North Westerners! Let them know that life doesn't have to be all clouds and rain! The sun comes from God too...good things can happen in the light! Like people becoming un-depressed. I think it's NoDoubt that said, it's my life, don't you forget! Yup, I just quoted no doubt. What? ok, I'm rambling now. Yea, see you tonight. Call me when you are ready to bust out some Christian Faith Final skills.
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