Five Times Kurt and Blaine Kissed In Public, Kurt/Blaine, NC-17

May 16, 2012 23:03

Title: Five Times Kurt and Blaine Kissed In Public and One Time They Didn't
Author: skintightsocks
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Kurt/Blaine
Word Count: 5,000+
Summary: Kurt thinks back to a year ago, two, three - all the times he stood in this very spot dreaming of a moment like this. His chest goes tight, his hands itching to pull Blaine close and kiss him, right here, in front of everyone.
Spoilers: Takes place during episodes 3x20 and 3x21.
Warnings: None
Author Notes: We were pretty bummed that Kurt and Blaine got virtually no moments of physical affection in the past two episodes, so we decided to write our own! Suck it, Glee.

1. The Mall

"I mean, I wouldn't even look good in a dress, what is she thinking?" Kurt huffs, flipping through hangers until he finds the color shirt he's looking for. Blaine's giving him a considering look, and Kurt rolls his eyes. "What?"

"I know you don't want to wear one, but I don't think I'd go as far to say you'd look bad in a dress," Blaine says with a shrug, dragging his fingers idly over some cashmere sweater vests. "Your legs are very long."

"Not helping, Blaine," Kurt snaps, but he flushes a little at the praise anyway. He makes his way back to the changing rooms and Blaine follows him.

"No, I completely understand where you're coming from, Kurt, I just think--"

"You're very sweet. Are you coming in with me?" Kurt tilts his head toward the changing room door and Blaine's eyes widen. He nods very fast, and Kurt smiles as they duck into the room together. There aren't enough people around to bother them about it and it's not like Kurt is planning to have sex with Blaine - he just likes taking Blaine shopping with him. It doesn't hurt that Blaine is so quick to compliment him, either.

Blaine sits down on the chair in the corner and Kurt goes through the process of taking his hat and cape off, handing them off to Blaine to hold. He starts to unbutton his shirt and he catches Blaine staring in the mirror, his throat bobbing as he swallows.

"You know, red's a really good color on you," Blaine says, his voice slightly hoarse, and Kurt turns to hide his smile in his shoulder as he slides his shirt off his arms.

"I'm probably not going to buy anything today," Kurt says with a sigh. "But sometimes retail therapy is the best therapy there is. Can you help me with this?"

"Yeah, of course," Blaine says immediately, standing up and setting Kurt's clothes down behind him. Kurt doesn't really need help putting on a shirt, but he loves the way Blaine is eager to help, and the way his fingertips linger as they skim over Kurt's skin. Kurt goes to do up the buttons but Blaine stops him, doing it for him, and Kurt watches the way Blaine's eyelashes fan out over his cheeks as he concentrates on the buttons. "There."

"There," Kurt echoes, turning toward the mirror and adjusting and tugging until he's happy with what he sees. "God, this would look amazing with my black vest."

"I- I think you look amazing all the time," Blaine mumbles, and Kurt can see the way his cheeks start to turn pink as he pretends to fix Kurt's collar. "Um, that didn't come out as smooth as I wanted it to."

"I love you," Kurt says softly, happily, and he doesn't give Blaine more than a second after looking up before Kurt's leaning down and kissing him, soft and sweet. Their lips move together slowly, just until Kurt's stomach starts to do that warm, wonderful flipping thing, and then he reluctantly pulls back, pretending not to notice Blaine drop the hand that was just about to cup Kurt's face. "And I really shouldn't buy this."

Blaine plays with Kurt's collar one more time before looking up and saying, his voice still a little rough, "How about we go get some mall food instead? My treat."

"See? And who says you can't be smooth." Kurt starts to take off the shirt and lets Blaine hand him his own clothes while he dresses, pretending he doesn't catch Blaine staring at him.

"You know what else would make you feel better?"

Kurt sighs, recognizing the hopeful glint in Blaine's eyes. "Blaine, we can't keep doing this."

"It's a massage, Kurt. A cheap massage, and it feels amazing. I don't understand why you're so against this."

"Oh, I don't know, maybe because of that time you ditched me to spend two hours in one of those damn chairs?"

Blaine opens his mouth but then catches the look on Kurt's face and shuts it, handing Kurt his cap. "We'll talk about it over ice cream."

2. Dance Rehearsal With Sue

"You know," Blaine says backstage, nervously turning his welding helmet over in his hands, "I know you teased the Warblers a lot for playing it safe, but... I don't think show choir is ever supposed to be this dangerous. I don't even know how to weld."

"That makes two of us," Kurt mumbles, pulling on his leg-warmers. Orange isn't really his color, but he's worn weirder accessories. And anything is better than a dress at this point.

"Do you think Coach Sylvester would notice if we took off?"

Kurt smiles, tugging the leg-warmer in place until it's even with the other one. "Oh, sweetheart. Your naivete is endearing, but really, it's better to just face the dragon." He stands up, raising his leg to the back of a chair to stretch. He heard Mike say something about splits in this number and Kurt doesn't want to be caught off guard.

"This can't be legal," Blaine says mostly to himself, and Kurt watches out of the corner of his eye as Blaine plays idly with a suspender strap.

"Suspenders are a good look for you," Kurt says in a low voice, and Blaine looks up, almost dropping his helmet.

"Well thank you, Kurt. I'd say the scarf is a good look for you, but--"

"But we both already know that," Kurt interrupts with a smile.

"Actually, I was going to say we both know it's just hiding that hickey," Blaine says, dropping his voice and stepping closer to Kurt. "You know... the one your boyfriend gave you last night."

Kurt can feel himself flush, and he lets his foot drop back down to the floor, turning so he can run his fingers underneath one of Blaine's suspender straps. "Maybe my boyfriend shouldn't look so smug when he has hickeys in places you can't hide with scarves." Kurt lets the strap snap back against Blaine's chest, and Blaine startles before grinning, his eyes dropping to Kurt's mouth before he looks back up.

"I don't know about that," Blaine whispers, leaning in close enough that their lips are almost touching. "I could probably get a scarf around my thigh if I wanted to."

Kurt looks up for a second to make sure everyone else is still distracted over on the other end of the stage, and then he hooks an arm around Blaine's waist, quickly pressing a hard kiss to Blaine's mouth. Blaine just melts underneath Kurt's lips, leaning back into his arm and opening his mouth for Kurt before Kurt even tries to deepen the kiss. It's good, it's so good, but when Blaine starts to moan against his mouth, Kurt knows they have to stop. His pants aren't as tight as they usually are but even so, sporting a hard-on during dance practice is never a good idea. Even when there's not welding equipment involved.

Kurt runs his fingers under Blaine's suspenders, easing up on the kiss bit by bit before he snaps them back against Blaine's chest. The plan was to shock Blaine out of the kiss, but Blaine just moans against his mouth, his hips jerking forward hard and sudden.

"Okay, slow down, cowboy," Kurt gasps, pulling back shakily and biting at his bottom lip to keep from leaning right back in when Blaine tries to follow his mouth.

"Unfair," Blaine says, his voice just a little rougher than usual. "That's playing dirty, Kurt Hummel."

"That was so not on purpose," Kurt promises, his heart still beating a little too quickly in his chest. "I was not aware of... that."

"Yeah, me either," Blaine says, flushing and ducking his head. Kurt grins and steps forward, trailing his finger back over Blaine's suspender until Blaine lifts his head up to meet Kurt's gaze.

"Now that I am, though," he says, darting in to press a quick peck to Blaine's lips, "I promise to make it up to you later." Just then Coach Sylvester blows her whistle, loud and harsh, and claps her hands.

"Alright, failures, let's make this interesting," she yells. "Take it from the top, and the first person to miss a step has to weld without their mask on for the rest of the day. Let's see how loudly you can complain when your head is on fire!"

"... If we make it out of here alive," Kurt amends, squeezing Blaine's hand and hurrying back over to his place in line. He's got extra-hold and thus extra-flammable hairspray in today, he can't afford to mess this up.

3. Dance Rehearsal in Chicago

"This kind of makes me miss Fight Club," Blaine says, wrapping an arm around Kurt's waist and shuffling him toward a corner.

"Where are we going?" Kurt asks as Blaine wedges them behind a fake potted tree. "I was kind of enjoying watching all the testosterone fly."

"I bet you were," Blaine says, his voice dropping lower as he presses Kurt back against the wall. "But unfortunately, you look really good right now and everyone else is distracted enough that no one's going to miss us if I spend a few minutes showing you my appreciation. So sorry to pull you away."

"I guess I can forgive you," Kurt says, spreading his legs wide so he can drop down the wall a little bit until he and Blaine are the same height. Blaine swallows heavily and Kurt wraps his arms around Blaine's waist, tugging until Blaine steps forward, fitting himself between Kurt's legs and pressing as close as he can get.

"This is in my way," Blaine says, reaching up and taking Kurt's cap off. Kurt gasps, mock affronted, but lets Blaine carefully set it on one of the fake branches before he leans in and kisses Kurt sweetly, grinning against his mouth. Kurt smiles back against Blaine's lips and tightens his grip, pulling Blaine as close as he can get him and letting his hand slide up the back of Blaine's sweatshirt.

"Have I mentioned lately that you look good in my clothes?" Kurt asks, pulling away from Blaine's mouth to whisper in his ear. Blaine really, really does, and Kurt's starting to suspect that Blaine had asked to borrow a shirt for dance rehearsal on purpose because he knows what it does to Kurt.

"Once or twice," Blaine says, arching his neck back for Kurt's mouth and pretty much confirming Kurt's suspicions. "I like wearing them. And smelling like you."

Kurt groans before he remembers they're supposed to be quiet, and he starts to press hot kisses down Blaine's neck until he can suck right where Blaine's neck meets his shoulder. He hums when Blaine's hips jerk forward, tugging at the sleeve of the sweatshirt until the too-big neck slips down and exposes the curve of Blaine's shoulder. It shouldn't make heat flare up low in Kurt's stomach but it does, just seeing all that skin and the way the muscles under Blaine's shoulder shift when he moves.

"Kurt," Blaine warns, his hands flying up to clutch at the back of Kurt's hoodie. "You know what that--"

"I do. I know exactly what that does," Kurt says, skimming his lips softly over the broad expanse of Blaine's shoulder. He's sensitive there, kind of ridiculously so, and Blaine shivers and presses closer, his hips squirming forward against Kurt's as Kurt sucks wet kisses over the curve of Blaine's shoulder.

"Oh god," Blaine whines, grabbing at Kurt's hair with one hand and tugging his mouth back up, his other hand tangling up in Kurt's dog-tags. "You can't, not right now, Kurt, jesus."

"Spoilsport," Kurt mumbles, pouting against Blaine's lips as he kisses him, Blaine's mouth open and warm beneath his. Blaine groans into it, his hips rocking forward harder, and Kurt can feel Blaine, just starting to get hard, when there's a loud bang nearby and the tree goes toppling, crashing to the floor.

"Oh shit that hurt," Puck groans, fighting his way up from the floor thorugh the branches. "Evans, I am going to murder you to death."

"Well," Kurt sighs, grabbing his cap from the floor before Puck can trample it, "that sufficently ruined the mood." Blaine groans, opening his mouth to protest, but then Sam comes flying past them, tackling Puck from behind with a suspiciously Xena-like war cry.

"Okay, you're right," Blaine sighs, letting Kurt tug him away from the foliage carnage and flying limbs. "Maybe someone should go get Mr. Schue."

"Nah," Kurt says, hopping onto the nearest table and pulling Blaine up beside him. He pulls out his phone, ignoring Blaine's raised eyebrows. "No one tattles unless blood is drawn. First rule of New Directions."

4. Win At Nationals

"I'm so glad we have the hotel room to ourselves," Kurt groans against Blaine's mouth, trying to yank Blaine's tie off without actually choking him. He's only sort of succeeding.

"Hello, right here?" Mercedes croaks from the bed next to the wall, lifting her head up from the pillow. She crashed hard from whatever Sue gave her after their win. "You don't have the room to yourselves, Kurt Hummel, so don't you dare--"

"I love you so much," Blaine pants, finally taking his own tie off and then crashing his lips back against Kurt's. "Want you so bad, Kurt, god."

"Still here," Mercedes grumbles, and Kurt pulls Blaine down to the floor just in time to dodge the pillow Mercedes launches at them.

They land in a heap and Kurt laughs breathlessly, trying to stay still while Blaine's hands tear at the buttons of his vest and the shirt underneath it. It's frantic and it's fast - usually they take their time, even if Kurt likes to joke about the whole ripping-each-other's-clothes-off thing - and Kurt's still trying to catch his breath when Blaine's lips slide across his jaw, down to his neck, sucking hard at the skin there and making Kurt squeeze his eyes shut and gasp out embarrassingly loud.

"Kurt, I'm serious, I'm going to call Sam to come up here with his squirt gun," Mercedes says, throwing another pillow in their general direction. "And don't act like you don't know he packed one." She's right, of course. Kurt does know. Sam had been really excited about it and spent an entire dinner running down different scenarios in which it would become useful.

"Sorry, Mercedes," Kurt says before holding his finger up to his lips and shooting a pointed look at Blaine as he hauls him up from the floor, tiptoeing toward the bathroom and tugging Blaine behind him. "You get some sleep, Blaine and I will just leave now." Blaine nods at him and clomps loudly toward the door of the hotel room, opening it and then shutting it loudly before scurrying back to Kurt. Kurt bites at the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing as they squeeze into the bathroom, and he eases the door shut so quietly that he's honestly kind of proud of himself.

"We're awesome," Blaine whispers, immediately going right back to Kurt's neck and sucking, hard, his hands sliding down Kurt's chest and making him shiver.

"Very," Kurt agrees breathlessly, grabbing Blaine by the hips and lifting him up onto the sink, stepping in close between Blaine's spread legs.

"God, that's hot," Blaine whines. He reaches out to sink his hands into Kurt's hair and tilt his head back, kissing him deep and a little rough until Kurt's whimpering into his mouth, rocking his hips forward desperately, seeking friction as his stomach twists up hot.

Which, of course, is when something bangs against the wall outside the bathroom door, and Mercedes yells, "I can still hear your gross mouth noises, you two! You suck so bad." Blaine laughs breathlessly against Kurt's mouth, and Kurt's just about to suggest that they turn on the shower to drown out the noise when they hear the hotel door bang open.

"I'm here!" Sam yells, sounding breathless and excited. "I'm here, baby, what am I shooting? Point me at 'em!"

"Sam, you realize that's a water gun, right? And that I was mostly kidding?" Mercedes says weakly, and Kurt huffs out a laugh at the disappointed noise Sam makes, and then jumps when Sam bumps his fist against the bathroom door.

"Guys, I don't want to be a buzzkill or anything, but I'm on Team Mercedes on this one." He sounds genuinely apologetic, and Kurt sighs, stepping back from Blaine reluctantly and quickly buttoning his shirt back up before opening the door. He gives Blaine's pouting lips a quick kiss and then steps out.

"You're always on Team Mercedes," Kurt says, patting Sam's shoulder. "It's very sweet. Just be careful, because she's mean when she's sick and she throws stuff."

"You deserved it," Mercedes says, and Blaine laughs, stepping between Kurt and Sam to get out of the bathroom.

"We kind of did," Blaine admits, picking up one of the pillows from the ground and bringing it back over to Mercedes. "We're leaving now, though, I promise. You can call off the guard."

"At ease, soldier," Mercedes says, waving her hand sleepily at Sam.

"Ma'am, yes ma'am," Sam says, clapping Blaine on the back as he heads for the bed and crawls in behind Mercedes.

"C'mon," Blaine says, grabbing Kurt's hand and leading him to the door as Mercedes mumbles something at Sam and he switches off the bedside lamp. "We've lost this battle."

"Maybe," Kurt says, wrapping an arm around Blaine's waist as they head down the hallway. "But there's still a chance we can win the war. I know for a fact that Finn took Rachel out for a celebratory dinner date, and everyone was staying out of the room just in case. We've got at least an hour until they get back."

"An hour is plenty of time," Blaine says with a grin, leaning into Kurt's side.

5. Celebration At McKinley

"This is insane," Kurt laughs as yet another Cheerio kisses Blaine on the cheek, and a hockey player who Kurt is pretty sure threw him in a dumpster two years ago gives him a high five.

"You deserve it," Blaine says, shouting a little over the noise around them.

"We deserve it," Kurt corrects him, sidestepping Puck as he spins Becky around, her feet flying. He grabs for Blaine's hand, smiling when Blaine's fingers settle in between his, practiced and easy. Blaine smiles back at him, bright and wide, and Kurt thinks back to a year ago, two, three - all the times he stood in this very spot dreaming of a moment like this. His chest goes tight, his hands itching to pull Blaine close and kiss him, right here, in front of everyone.

Blaine's looking up at him with bright eyes, his hand squeezing Kurt's, and Kurt hears a whoop from behind them and sees Santana dipping Brittany, kissing her as the confetti rains down and some of the other Cheerios clap for them.

"You know what?" Kurt says, letting go of Blaine's hand and wrapping his arm around Blaine's waist, pulling him close. "Screw it." He wraps his other arm around Blaine's shoulders and dips him low, pressing his smiling lips to Blaine's and kissing him, sweet and slow, right there in the hallway.

Blaine makes a pleased noise against Kurt's mouth, holding onto his shoulder and reaching up with his free hand to keep his hat on his head. Kurt ignores the shouts and cheers around them, the confetti stuck to Blaine's sweater, and just kisses Blaine harder, until he feels like he can't hold him any longer.

"Congratulations, boyfriend," Blaine says against his lips as Kurt pulls back with a grin.

"Right back 'atcha," Kurt says breathlessly, his heart hammering quick and giddy in his chest as Blaine laughs, a fresh wave of confetti falling over them when Sugar runs by, shaking it out and whooping.

6. Blaine's Room

"Today's been such a rollercoaster," Kurt sighs, falling backwards onto Blaine's bed. Blaine flops down next to him, tossing his hat across the room and giving a little victory cry when it lands on the bald head of the bust next to his bed. Kurt laughs, reaching over to twirl his finger through a curl on Blaine's forehead that's fallen out of the gel. "It's too bad I can't sleep over."

"Well you could," Blaine says, propping himself up to look at Kurt, "but then you'd have to borrow a pair of pajamas."

"Oh no," Kurt says softly, a smile tugging at his lips. "Anything but that."

Kurt's still smiling as Blaine leans down, pressing his lips over Kurt's and then breathing out between them when Kurt reaches up to cup Blaine's face, opening his mouth to suck over Blaine's lip. He surges up to kiss harder, lifting his other hand so he can hold Blaine's face between his hands, and Blaine makes a startled noise and tries to climb on top of Kurt, his lips following the movement of the kisses. Heat is already pooling in Kurt's stomach, making him arch up underneath Blaine for more, more, and Blaine groans, mouth open and wet over Kurt's.

Blaine pulls back after a minute and Kurt lets him go, dropping his hands only to have Blaine rest his forehead against Kurt's, breathing quickly with him. "Well that was nice."

"And unscheduled," Kurt adds, earning a short laugh from Blaine.

"You know, since the end of the year is approaching--" Blaine starts, but Kurt growls a little, wrapping his arms around Blaine's back and pulling him close.

"We still have all summer, Blaine," Kurt whispers fiercely.

"I know, I know," Blaine says softly, kissing Kurt's temple. "I just meant the end of the school year. But--" Blaine sighs a little, lifting his hand to brush a thumb slowly over Kurt's cheek. "Since we only have so much time left, before, we should just forget about the dumb schedule. I mean, we haven't exactly been following it lately anyway, have we?"

Kurt smiles, feeling a blush creep into his face. Because no, they definitely haven't. "In my defense, I can only be blamed for half of those kisses."

"Um, considering your mouth was involved in all of them, that is just patently untrue," Blaine says, and then he's yelping out a laugh as Kurt flips them over, pinning Blaine down onto the bed and reaching for his sides. Blaine's still wearing enough layers with his shirt and sweater that he probably can't feel much but he laughs helplessly under Kurt anyway, trying to squirm away.

Kurt's laughing too, fully aware that his face must look ridiculous all scrunched up and happy, but when he stops trying to tickle, Blaine just smiles up at him and sighs, relaxing back into the bed. He reaches up to tug Kurt down with an arm around his neck, and Kurt presses a smiling kiss over Blaine's mouth before pulling back.

"Did you still want to..." Kurt trails off, feeling his face get hotter. It's silly, how it still embarrasses him to talk about, but Blaine doesn't tease him for it.

"Have sex?" Blaine offers, raising his eyebrows.

"Yes, have sex. Did you still want to?"

"Yes," Blaine says, laughing a little. "Kurt, of course I do, god." Kurt sighs out a breath he didn't know he was holding and relaxes against Blaine, stroking at his cheek and his strong jaw, his fingers dropping down to toy with the ends of Blaine's bow tie.

"Good," Kurt says happily, tugging at them until Blaine's bow tie comes undone and pulling it free of his collar. "Excellent, actually, because me too." Blaine laughs at him, his eyes crinkling at the corners, and Kurt flushes, focusing his attention on unbuttoning Blaine's shirt. Things are still just the tiniest bit awkward between them sometimes, even after they made up in Emma's office, and Kurt still feels hesitant to take things for granted, to assume.

"Kurt," Blaine says, catching his hand and turning his head to press a kiss to Kurt's wrist. "I want you," he says slowly, deliberately, and he rolls his hips up just enough for Kurt to feel him, already starting to get hard. It's enough to get rid of any lingering doubt or awkwardness, and Kurt gasps as Blaine kisses wetly at his palm before moving up to Kurt's fingers and sucking the tip of one into his mouth, his eyes wide and dark when they blink up at Kurt.

"Fuck," Kurt breathes out weakly, and Blaine nods his head enthusiastically before letting go of Kurt's hand to strip his sweater over his head and start unbuttoning Kurt's shirt. Kurt goes back to work on Blaine's, their hands getting tangled up a few times, wrists bumping as they laugh and readjust. Blaine pulls him down as soon as they're both shirtless, and Kurt sighs into his mouth when their bare chests press together. It feels so good like this, like they're reconnecting skin to skin after so long without it. It's one of Kurt's favorite things, and no matter how much he loves making out clothed, that just doesn't compare.

"Come here," Blaine groans against his mouth, and Kurt laughs breathlessly as Blaine's hands run up and down his back, trying to press him closer.

"I am here," he says, settling as much weight as he can over Blaine. "I'm here, Blaine," he repeats when Blaine whines and arches up beneath him, his fingers still scrambling at Kurt's back. "Shh, hey. Are you okay?"

"Sorry," Blaine breathes, pressing his face to Kurt's neck and clinging tight. "Sorry, it's just been-- I want you," he says, his hands squeezing between them to tug at Kurt's shorts. Kurt flushes, his stomach twisting up so hot and sudden that he feels a little dizzy from it.

"I have to move," he tells Blaine shakily, pressing a few quick, wet kisses to Blaine's mouth. "Come on, get undressed." Blaine nods, his hands going for his fly as soon as Kurt's rolled off of him. They both manage to kick each other in the process, and by the time Kurt's got Blaine back under him, naked and pressed close, they're both flushed warm and laughing a little, trading breathless kisses as they settle in.

Kurt shifts his hips experimentally, tucking his face down to groan against Blaine's neck when their hard-ons slide together. Blaine clings to his back, his wide palms pressing over Kurt's warm skin, and Kurt groans again when Blaine starts to move with him.

"Blaine, this- this feels too good," Kurt chokes out, but Blaine just laughs into Kurt's hair, his lips sliding wetly down over Kurt's cheek.

"Then let it feel good. Just-- stay close, please," Blaine says, and Kurt nods, shifting his hips carefully with Blaine's until they find a rhythm, and then Kurt doesn't try to be careful at all. It feels so good, Blaine's skin pressed close to his, warm and soft and sweaty and naked. Kurt opens his mouth against Blaine's neck and squeezes his eyes shut tight, giving in to the heat unfurling low in his belly every time his cock rubs up against Blaine's, dragging together in the tight space between their bodies.

"I love you," Kurt whines, and Blaine's hips buck in a way that sends sharp heat shooting down Kurt's spine, so he says it again. "I love you, love you so much."

"Kurt, please," Blaine growls, and Kurt doesn't know what Blaine's asking for so he just keeps going, working their hips together faster, knowing that it would be easier to just reach down and jerk each other off but completely unwilling to untangle himself from Blaine right now. "I-- oh god, Kurt, I--"

Kurt lifts his head up and blindly covers Blaine's mouth with his own, swallowing the groan when Blaine starts to come. And Kurt can feel it, the way Blaine's cock twitches as he comes between them and slicks up Kurt's cock as well, all hot and messy.

"Blaine, I have to--"

"Come on," Blaine gasps, and then he's kissing Kurt, lazy and deep, and it's all Kurt can do to not drop his mouth open and moan when the tightness building up in his body just snaps, his hips stuttering over Blaine's in a few quick, unsteady thrusts as he works himself through his own orgasm. The heat is still thrumming heavily in his veins when he slumps on top of Blaine and starts to come down, panting, only dimly aware of Blaine's hands stroking slowly over his back.

"You okay?" Blaine asks a few minutes later when Kurt shivers and tries to cuddle closer.

"Mmm," Kurt says, pointing vaguely toward Blaine's comforter where it's bunched up at the end of the bed. He can't really manage anything more. Blaine - amazing, smart, still in possession of his motor functions, Blaine - gets the message, pulling it up and over them. Kurt snuggles back into his side and winces when he realizes they're starting to get stuck together. Blaine laughs, and when Kurt looks up at him he's glancing down softly, his eyes warm and sleepy.

"There's no way we're getting out of this bed before you fall asleep, is there?" he asks, and Kurt finally manages to speak.

"None at all," he rasps. "Sorry."

"Don't worry," Blaine says, stretching for the edge of the bed. He comes back up with the bathroom kit he'd packed in his suitcase, pulling out a travel-sized pack of wet wipes. "I'm prepared."

"Aren't you just," Kurt says, laughing when Blaine smacks at his hip before he starts to wipe them off. "Sorry, though," he mumbles. "That didn't exactly go to plan." They could always go again later, but Kurt isn't so sure he can manage to keep his eyes open for five more minutes, much less long enough for them to get hard again.

"It's okay," Blaine says, tossing the wipes toward his trashcan and missing by a mile. He shrugs, turning off the lamp next to his bed and leaning in to kiss Kurt, sweet and a little clumsy in the dark. "We always manage to adjust."

"Yeah," Kurt says, smiling to himself and feeling suddenly choked up as Blaine settles back in against the pillows and tugs Kurt close, kissing his forehead. He blinks away the wetness in his eyes and finds Blaine's free hand, twining their fingers together. "Yeah, I guess we do."

rating: nc-17, pairing: kurt/blaine, !fic, !post-ep

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