Observing the process will change it

Nov 20, 2006 20:11

Pirates! Unions workers! Such rigorous conditioning! No smell - No attachment! Something exciting! He exclamed! As! Loud! As! Possible! Clocks and mice in so many ways! Chik Chik Chik! The phone Rings! The mourning alarm ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

withouttonight November 20 2006, 23:15:00 UTC

i may be working for till. i just had my second interview in the house of andover. they said they would get back to me. ....any words of wisdom?


skippenskop November 21 2006, 17:20:25 UTC
Working at the billerica house was the best job i've had. But co-workers can make or break anything I've realized. Just make sure you're with hardworking, friendly types. I guess just have fun and be very open and flexible to how to relate to the guys. It's really cheesy but I feel like I learned a ton about and for myself with the guys worked with. I've heard Andover house is a good one too - is Beth still the manager there?

And also, if you do see anyone from West St, tell them Andrew says hi and sorry for not getting out there but without a car I'm stranded (but hoping to make it there within the next month to visit). That's awesome though, let me know how it goes for you.


withouttonight November 26 2006, 15:46:17 UTC

i feel like it will be an awesome job. if you dont mind me asking, why did you quit?


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