Title: Inconsequential
Rating: PG
Pairing: Pete/Mikey
Summary: Love was only ever a four letter word. Four letters, one syllable, and only three sounds since the 'e' at the end was silent. By itself it didn't mean a damn thing.
Disclaimer: This is fictional.
Author Note: This is a little thing I started writing a while ago.
Love was only ever a four letter word. )
Comments 9
That was so sad. ;(
Poor Mikey...why would Pete do that to him... *sob*
It was really good though, ur fic~ In that sad touching sort of way, I liked it!
In my mind I usually like to give Pikey a happy ending. But I think this should be blamed on Avril Lavigne. Because I think that's what I was listening to when I decided this was an excellent idea.
Hehe - thanks!! :D I know, the one think I would change about this icon is - I would have Mikey and Bob switch places. Mikey would so fit better there. But whatever; thank you~
AVRILLLL!!! *cheers* Dude. She used to be, like, my idol. I guess we can partially thank her then, for inspiring you, because this is a great fic, although very sad. :( :)
I <3 Avril, and I am unashamed! Her music was the soundtrack of my angsty tweenie years.
Thanks for reading/commenting!
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