Knitting, Witchcraft, and Feminism

Jan 09, 2010 16:58

Or, Yet Another Example of How Women Did Not Have a Renaissance.

According to the East Midlands Knitting Industry heritage website, Henry Carey, Lord Hunsdon, sponsored NOT ONLY a significant troupe of actors, but also the man who invented England's first knitting frame: William Lee. Hunsdon sponsored Lee in his quest to get a patent from Queen ( Read more... )

knitting, omg -- women are people!, how do you knooowww she's a witch?, rengeekery in general

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Comments 5

breathingbooks January 10 2010, 02:42:43 UTC
I've watched some more Dr. Who lately, and now I am envisioning you as a companion traveling through time solely to hit sexist twerps. You have a little clipboard and everything.


skirmish_of_wit January 10 2010, 02:51:03 UTC
Ahaha, that is pretty much exactly what I would do as companion!

And then I would probably get tried as a witch.


breathingbooks January 10 2010, 02:55:27 UTC
But you would have the Doctor! And if you were anything like me you would also have a gun and a practiced "This is Sparta feminism!"

Also, I think you may have been the one to rec The Girl in the Fireplace, in which case thanks, for it was awesome. Doctor/MP = OTP.


skirmish_of_wit January 10 2010, 03:04:05 UTC
All true! Except possibly not a gun, for I do not trust myself with one, but at the very least perhaps a bow and arrows.

I did rec "The Girl in the Fireplace," and I am so glad you liked it! It is probably still my very favorite episode of DW. And, incidentally, it was the first one I ever saw, so basically when I think of it that way everything has been downhill from there. Huh.

Don't you wish we could have seen Reinette as companion? I would have liked her better than Rose, although at the time I liked Rose okay.


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